EU Cooperation
and Networks

Table of contents

The current major social challenges of our time do not stop at Europe’s borders. Questions about climate protection, the energy transition, environmental protection and digital innovations are also being asked in our neighboring countries, which has made European cross-border cooperation even more important. Projects with partners from other European regions offer the opportunity to develop joint solutions, implement projects and learn from each other.

aconium GmbH has been supporting the development of project ideas at European level for more than 15 years, including the application for EU funding and the implementation of projects on site. We support projects with our technical expertise and our European network in the fields of digitalization, energy, mobility and education as well as our many years of experience in initiating and coordinating projects with European partners.

Benefit from EU Funding

The European Union provides a wide range of funding for various topics and types of measures. We support municipalities, public institutions, universities and research institutions as well as companies in the context of transnational or cross-border cooperation in the processing and implementation of future-oriented measures for regional development.

Benefit from the exchange of experience, European networks and innovative solutions with the help of:

  • cross-border cooperation – Interreg A: solutions for all kinds of obstacles that make life near intra-European borders more difficult.
  • transnational cooperation – Interreg B: strategies for the future-oriented development of your region and test them in pilot projects.
  • Policy-making – Interreg C: Learning from colleagues from other EU countries and benefiting from knowledge and experience networks.
  • Research, development and innovation – Horizon Europe: Generating new knowledge, testing pilot projects and prototypes and imparting knowledge.
  • Education and mobility – ERASMUS+: Learning internationally, developing new teaching methods and learning approaches and building Europe-wide networks.
  • other funding programmes in the areas of energy, digitalization and urban and regional development such as LIFE, Digital Europe, European Urban Initiative, etc.

Information Sheets on the Interreg B Programme:

Interreg Danube Region

The Interreg B Danube Transnational Programme supports projects within the framework of territorial cooperation in the program area along large parts of the former Iron Curtain.

The unifying element of the region is the Danube. With 114 million inhabitants and parts of nine EU countries and five EU accession candidates from south-eastern and eastern Europe, the region covers 20% of the entire EU territory.

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Interreg Alpine Space

The Interreg B Alpine Space Programme (Interreg Alpine Space) promotes and supports projects within the framework of territorial cooperation in the entire Alpine region.

So-called classic projects with around seven to twelve partner organizations and so-called small projects with a reduced scope are funded. With 80 million inhabitants and an area of 450,000 km², the region covers parts of five EU countries.

The Alpine region is characterized by great linguistic and cultural differences as well as geographical and ecological peculiarities. These include sensitive ecosystems and mountain regions affected by climate change.

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Interreg Baltic Sea Region

The Interreg B Baltic Sea Region Programme (Interreg Baltic Sea Region) promotes and supports cooperation projects that contribute to achieving the regional policy objectives of the European Union within the framework of territorial cooperation. The Baltic Sea Region comprises parts of eight EU countries and Norway and brings together 80 million inhabitants over an area of 2.9 million km².

Despite linguistic and cultural differences, the Baltic Sea region, which is characterized by a low population density, faces transnational challenges due to its geographical and socio-demographic characteristics, which underline the need for cooperation beyond national borders.

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Interreg Northwest Europe

The Interreg B North-West Europe Programme (Interreg North-West Europe) promotes and supports projects within the framework of territorial cooperation in north-western Europe in order to achieve the regional policy objectives of the European Union. With 118 million inhabitants and an area of 638,500 km², the region includes parts of six EU countries and Switzerland.

Despite geographical and cultural differences, north-western Europe, which is characterized by above-average population growth, faces common challenges that underline the need for cooperation beyond national borders.

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Interreg North Sea Region

The Interreg B North Sea Region Program (Interreg North Sea Region Programme) promotes and supports projects in the form of so-called regular cooperation projects as well as small projects with a limited budget.

Their activities are intended to contribute to the achievement of the European Union’s regional policy objectives within the framework of territorial cooperation. The North Sea region covers an area of 536,000 km² and brings together 61.5 million inhabitants from six EU countries and Norway.

Due to its geographical and ecological characteristics, the North Sea region faces common challenges that underline the need for cooperation beyond national borders.

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Interreg Central Europe

The Interreg B Central Europe Programme (Interreg Central Europe) promotes and supports projects that contribute to achieving the political objectives of the European Union within the framework of territorial cooperation.

The programme area includes both rather prosperous “western” states and “eastern” members that joined the EU after 2004. With 148 million inhabitants and parts of nine EU member states, the region covers 25% of the entire EU territory.

Despite cultural and socio-economic differences, the Central European cooperation area faces transnational challenges due to its historical peculiarities, which underline the need for cooperation beyond national borders.

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Our Networks

aconium GmbH is an experienced partner to the public sector in the development and implementation of projects in Germany and Europe. We have a wide-ranging network of experts from science and industry as well as decision-makers at municipal, regional, national and European level, which we are constantly expanding.

aconium has seven regional offices in Germany in addition to its Berlin headquarters: Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Munich, Osterholz-Scharmbeck near Bremen, Schwerin, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden. We also have offices in Brussels, Kiev and Tirana. This means that we are networked right down to the local authorities and can support the implementation of projects on site.

Project Example: Broadband Europe


Broadband Europe is an initiative of the European Commission that has been implemented with the help of aconium GmbH since 2014. Broadband Europe provides information on current developments in broadband policy in the EU and the Member States and, as an information platform, contributes to achieving the goals of the Gigabit Society 2025 and the Digital Decade 2030. It also provides information and assistance on investments in broadband expansion, technological solutions, business models, financing instruments and cost-reduction measures.

More About the Project »

An Interactive Platform for European Broadband Stakeholders.

One focus of our work is to support broadband expansion and digitalization in European regions and to empower a digital society throughout Europe. This includes the Governmental Day Workshop as an integral part of the FTTH Conference, the largest industry event for the fiber optic industry and digital infrastructure policy.

This event format of aconium GmbH offers an interactive platform for European players and aims to establish a strong community of all stakeholders involved in the digitization process through discussion forums, working groups and good practice exchange.

Experience, Efficiency, Expertise –
aconium GmbH Project Management

aconium GmbH has many years of experience in project management. Our services include the creation and maintenance of time, task and work plans, the continuous monitoring of project progress, communication with the client and other stakeholders involved in the project, the organization of project meetings such as regular jour fixes and working group meetings and their documentation as well as the moderation between different stakeholders and, if necessary, conflict management.

Project Examples

Sustainable district heating supply through the integration of low-temperature solutions

Use of hydrogen as an alternative energy source in urban and rural areas

Model solutions and participation tools to increase the acceptance of environmentally friendly mobility options among senior citizens

Initiation, planning, implementation and capacity building for data-driven regional development

Application of new technologies in companies in rural areas and the use of local potential for innovation and smart growth

Creating a future-proof digital environment for rural areas by promoting digital infrastructures, services and know-how

Communication and Knowledge Transfer

aconium offers a complete package of services for the development, planning and implementation of projects. It includes target group and topic-specific project communication, the planning and implementation of events and workshops, corporate and municipal consulting, the development of project identities as well as information materials and website support. Our portfolio also includes the following services:

atene logo

Graphics and web design: showcase for project results

With its own graphics department, aconium GmbH can also successfully implement the entire communication-related management such as the maintenance of the project website and the creation of advertising material for EU projects.

Geoinformation systems: capture, analyze and present spatial data with aconium hub

The visualization of geoinformation plays a decisive role in modern municipal administration and planning. Our aconium hub offers the perfect platform for this.

E-learning – Europe-wide knowledge transfer

In order to secure the results of EU projects and make them available to a wide audience, we create training courses that can be used to secure the project results and make them available to a wide audience. E-learning courses can be integrated into the aconium Academy portfolio and on the channels of the EU projects.