Publication Series
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Funding is often the only way for local authorities to implement larger projects. However, the search for suitable funding programs is often difficult. We accompany you on your way through the complex funding landscapes in Germany and Europe.
Table of contents
Publication Series:
Digitalization and Mobility
The “Digitalization and Mobility” publication series from aconium GmbH takes an interdisciplinary and in-depth look at the digital development and transformation of mobility. Articles are published on topics such as sensor technologies that will be used in the traffic of the future, automated driving, aspects of IT security for electric vehicles and concepts for inner-city deliveries. The series serves to exchange knowledge and accompany current discourse.
The articles in the series are published at irregular intervals several times a year and can be downloaded free of charge as PDF files on this page.

Contribution 1 (2020): Sensor technology on vehicles
Reliable and safe mobility is a cornerstone of growth and prosperity worldwide. Modern infrastructure enables the flow of people and goods and thus forms the basis of modern economies. In our networked and globally active economy, goods are increasingly produced and supplied in a decentralized manner.

Contribution 2 (2020): Automated vs. autonomous driving
Many aspects indicate that the form of our daily transportation and mobility habits will change fundamentally in the coming years. Autonomous vehicles will actively participate in road traffic, generating the necessary data with the help of highly sensitive sensors and cameras.

Contribution 3 (2020): Potential of modern traffic data collection systems
Ensuring contemporary mobility that is adapted to current social needs in the future is a major challenge for transport policy, the public sector and the developers of transport solutions. Even at present, the demand for traffic space often exceeds the available supply, as the expansion of the German road network is only possible to a limited extent due to limited resources.
Publication Series:
Transport and Environment
The “Transport and Environment” publication series from aconium GmbH takes an interdisciplinary and in-depth look at the topics of transport and the environment. Among other things, articles are published on traffic-related pollution and its consequences, but also on current challenges and trends with regard to environmentally friendly alternative drive systems. The series serves the exchange of knowledge and accompanies current discourses.

Contribution 1 (2018): Chemical processes in the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in diesel and gasoline engines
Nitrogen oxides play the main role in the current debate about pollution from diesel vehicles. Nitrogen oxides, i.e. the oxygen compounds of nitrogen – often summarized as NOx – cause health and environmental hazards. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in particular is held responsible for respiratory diseases and is considered to be one of the causes of increased ozone concentrations in summer (photochemical smog). The first article in the series deals with the formation of nitrogen oxides by diesel and gasoline engines and shows the chemical processes that are responsible for the high nitrogen oxide emissions from combustion engines.

Contribution 2 (2018): Nitrogen oxide (NOx) limit values and measurement methods for monitoring nitrogen oxide concentrations in ambient air
The combustion of fossil fuels produces a whole range of toxic substances, including the group of nitrogen oxides, also known colloquially as NOx. Older diesel engines in particular produce considerable quantities of nitrogen oxides during combustion, which are released unfiltered into the environment. Legal limits have been introduced to reduce nitrogen oxide pollution. Nitrogen oxide concentrations are measured and monitored at air monitoring stations set up in public areas. This article provides an overview of the legally stipulated nitrogen oxide limit values and describes the chemical-analytical procedure with which these values are continuously monitored.

Article 3 (2019): Hybrid, electric, fuel cell: a comparison of alternative drive systems
Society’s need for individual mobility has been growing steadily for decades, with combustion engines based on petrol and diesel as the dominant drive technology to date. However, alternative drive systems are becoming increasingly important. They are attractive because they offer opportunities to reduce local emissions and can also contribute to the reduction of global greenhouse emissions if renewable energy sources are used consistently. This article explains how hybrid, electric and fuel cell drives differ in terms of functionality, economic and ecological aspects.

Contribution 4 (2019): Hydrogen and fuel cell technology
In view of the increasing energy requirements of the economy and the growing world population, alternatives to fossil fuels are crucial for reducing CO2 and pollutant emissions. The use of hydrogen as an energy source and the use of fuel cells, for example for the operation of vehicles, can help with the desired decarbonization and thus make an important contribution to environmental protection. This article from the Transport and Environment series explains the physical and chemical principles of fuel cell technology and shows why hydrogen may have a bright future as a clean energy source.

Contribution 5 (2020): Battery technologies for electrically powered vehicles
Electric drives operate with low vibration and noise and do not emit any pollutants where they are used. Compared to combustion engines, they are lighter and more compact. When comparing the efficiency of current passenger car combustion engines, the technology of the VTG supercharger in the direct-injection turbo diesel engine stands out. This combustion engine technology achieves an efficiency of over 40% in the optimum speed range. The efficiency of electric motors is around 90%.

Contribution 6 (2020): Range and charging processes: e-cars in everyday life
Are currently available electric cars suitable for everyday use? Many potentially interested buyers approach electric vehicles with uncertainty and cautious skepticism, which is why electric cars still only account for a small proportion of new vehicle registrations in Germany. But is this skepticism justified? In this context, the fundamental question arises as to how dependencies between personal mobility behavior, charging infrastructure, economic efficiency and other vehicle parameters can be reconciled in order to ensure suitability for everyday use. In the latest article in our “Transport and the environment” series, we look at this important question.

Contribution 7 (2020): How clean are electric cars? – An analysis of the environmental footprint of electric cars
Electromobility offers a forward-looking approach to reducing the negative environmental impact of traffic and its steady increase. But what is the environmental balance of this modern type of drive if the emissions of the electricity generators and the manufacturing process of electric cars, including the traction battery, electric motors and all other parts, are also taken into account and placed in as transparent a relationship as possible to combustion vehicles?

Contribution 8 (2021): Measures and concepts for improving air quality in urban areas
Although a significant reduction in air pollution has been achieved in German cities in recent decades, limit values are still regularly exceeded. This raises the question of what effective measures and concepts are available to improve air quality in urban areas.