Tim Brauckmüller

Managing Director of aconium GmbH

Digitization expert Tim Brauckmüller is Managing Director of aconium GmbH in Berlin. He studied social management at the Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven University of Applied Sciences (now the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences) and graduated with a degree in social economics. His diploma thesis focused on “Networking and cooperation in rural regions”.

Tim Brauckmüller started his career in his home state of Lower Saxony. Here he conceptualized and built up the Lower Saxony Broadband Competence Center and developed broadband connectivity strategies for SMEs and rural regions as part of several EU projects. Topics included the set-up of the e-government structure in Estonia, telemedicine in Aboland (Finland) and e-learning in Norway.

From 2008 to 2010, he coordinated the downstream authorities and the state’s activities in broadband development for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Consumer Protection and Regional Development before moving to Berlin in 2010 to take over the management of the Federal Broadband Office.

Tim Brauckmüller lives in Berlin, is married and has two children.