projects of aconium GmbH

The work of aconium GmbH is characterized by a broad range of topics. The focus is on digitalization, energy, mobility and education. As diverse as the areas are, all of them share an innovative and progressive focus. The broad expertise, methodological knowledge and high flexibility of our employees enables a successful project implementation with sustainable results, even in complex subject areas.

AquaLoop: Aquaculture Expert Floor for Circular Economy Practice

AquaLoop: Aquaculture Expert Floor for Circular Economy Practice

Business Indoor Coverage – Integrated Radio Access Points

Business Indoor Coverage – Integrated Radio Access Points

Hydrogen Transport Economy for the North Sea Region

Hydrogen Transport Economy for the North Sea Region

North Sea Sustainable Energy Planning

North Sea Sustainable Energy Planning

Live and breathe inner city life! – Model project in the pilot phase of the Small Town Academy

Live and breathe inner city life! – Model project in the pilot phase of the Small Town Academy

Development of the Regional Development Strategy (RES) for the LAG Havelland (LEADER)

Development of the Regional Development Strategy (RES) for the LAG Havelland (LEADER)

InKoMo 4.0

InKoMo 4.0

Development of the regional development strategy (RES) for the LAG Ostprignitz-Ruppin (LEADER)

Development of the regional development strategy (RES) for the LAG Ostprignitz-Ruppin (LEADER)

Resilience study in the Chemnitz / Southwest Saxony region

Resilience study in the Chemnitz / Southwest Saxony region

e-smartec – Phase II

e-smartec – Phase II

Creation of a digitalization strategy for the district of Meißen

Creation of a digitalization strategy for the district of Meißen

Munich electrifies

Munich electrifies

Evaluation of the Bavarian state development funding guideline

Evaluation of the Bavarian state development funding guideline

Munich test field – pilot test for urban automated road traffic

Munich test field – pilot test for urban automated road traffic

Development of a LES for the LAG Flechtinger Höhenzug and Drömling

Development of a LES for the LAG Flechtinger Höhenzug and Drömling

Development of a regional development strategy for the LEADER region Spree-Neiße-Land

Development of a regional development strategy for the LEADER region Spree-Neiße-Land

Accompanying GigaMaP project office and data preparation with regard to the digital infrastructure in Hesse 2024

Accompanying GigaMaP project office and data preparation with regard to the digital infrastructure in Hesse 2024

Future Spaces Lower Saxony – Sustainable design of urban transport in Walsrode

Future Spaces Lower Saxony – Sustainable design of urban transport in Walsrode

Future Spaces Lower Saxony – Ihlow connects – Experience with all your senses

Future Spaces Lower Saxony – Ihlow connects – Experience with all your senses

Development and support of the “Smart Regions Saxony” web portal

Development and support of the “Smart Regions Saxony” web portal

TANO Workshop

TANO Workshop

Research and editorial services for updating the funding scouting platform

Research and editorial services for updating the funding scouting platform

Digital citizen participation platform Lüchow

Digital citizen participation platform Lüchow

Further development of detailed network plans Rhineland-Palatinate

Further development of detailed network plans Rhineland-Palatinate

LIHYP – Bündelung von Wasserstoffpotenzialen auf europäischer Ebene

LIHYP – Bündelung von Wasserstoffpotenzialen auf europäischer Ebene

Data Opener Central Europe

Data Opener Central Europe

Creation of a feasibility study for the establishment of a sustainable, social partnership-based advisory structure in Saxony

Creation of a feasibility study for the establishment of a sustainable, social partnership-based advisory structure in Saxony

Digitization districts of Hesse

Digitization districts of Hesse

NewCITY-Mile Dessau-Roßlau

NewCITY-Mile Dessau-Roßlau

TwinBy – Digital Twins for Bavaria

TwinBy – Digital Twins for Bavaria

Sofortprogramm „Perspektive Innenstadt!“

Sofortprogramm „Perspektive Innenstadt!“

Data for All. Data-driven Public Service Delivery in the North Sea Region

Data for All. Data-driven Public Service Delivery in the North Sea Region

Expert opinion on radio mast infrastructure company Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Expert opinion on radio mast infrastructure company Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Recording of mobile phone coverage in the district of Cham

Recording of mobile phone coverage in the district of Cham

Recording mobile communications coverage in Brandenburg

Recording mobile communications coverage in Brandenburg

Expert opinion on frequency allocation and combination of frequency bands

Expert opinion on frequency allocation and combination of frequency bands

Smart City Strategy Development and Participation Formats ILE Ilzer Land

Smart City Strategy Development and Participation Formats ILE Ilzer Land

Management of the REGIONALE process in the regions of Brandenburg

Management of the REGIONALE process in the regions of Brandenburg

Integrated Digital Development Concept (IDEK) of the City of Munich (LHM)

Integrated Digital Development Concept (IDEK) of the City of Munich (LHM)

Regionales Genussdepot Osterholz-Scharmbeck

Regionales Genussdepot Osterholz-Scharmbeck

Creation of a local development strategy for the LEADER region Kassel-Land e.V.

Creation of a local development strategy for the LEADER region Kassel-Land e.V.

Supporting the process of the Digital Program 2025 of the State of Brandenburg

Supporting the process of the Digital Program 2025 of the State of Brandenburg

Further development of the Digital Metropolis Ruhr

Further development of the Digital Metropolis Ruhr

Smart Cities and Regions – Roadshow

Smart Cities and Regions – Roadshow

Future Workshop for the East Metropolitan Region

Future Workshop for the East Metropolitan Region

LowTEMP 2.0

LowTEMP 2.0

e-smartec: Strengthening sustainable mobility through marketing and participation

e-smartec: Strengthening sustainable mobility through marketing and participation

Glossary for the explanation and illustration of key terms in digitisation

Glossary for the explanation and illustration of key terms in digitisation

GrowIn 4.0

GrowIn 4.0

Feasibility study for a “Digital Rail Innovation Cluster”

Feasibility study for a “Digital Rail Innovation Cluster”



OhneAutoMobil_OPR –  Testing flexible mobility services in the district Ostprignitz-Ruppin

OhneAutoMobil_OPR – Testing flexible mobility services in the district Ostprignitz-Ruppin





SmartUp Accelerator

SmartUp Accelerator



Supporting the digital policy of the federal state of Brandenburg

Supporting the digital policy of the federal state of Brandenburg

Study: Capitalization Interreg

Study: Capitalization Interreg

The Broadband Atlas of the Federal Gonvernment

The Broadband Atlas of the Federal Gonvernment

Broadband Office of the Federal Government

Broadband Office of the Federal Government

Digital Agenda Hagenow

Digital Agenda Hagenow









Genuss-Bike Paradise

Genuss-Bike Paradise

Futures By Design

Futures By Design

Guideline Policy Learning Platform

Guideline Policy Learning Platform

Research NKI Hesse

Research NKI Hesse

Renovation for Energy efficient BuildingS

Renovation for Energy efficient BuildingS

Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use

Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use







EPIC – Improving Employability through Internationalisation and Collaboration

EPIC – Improving Employability through Internationalisation and Collaboration

Governmental Day Workshop

Governmental Day Workshop

InfoInterreg BB

InfoInterreg BB

Model Project for Spatial Planning – Digital Infrastructure as a Regional Development Factor

Model Project for Spatial Planning – Digital Infrastructure as a Regional Development Factor

Broadband Europe

Broadband Europe

Industry 4.0 in Hesse

Industry 4.0 in Hesse

Public Energy Alternatives

Public Energy Alternatives

Collaboration and Innovation for Better, Personalized and IT-Supported Teaching

Collaboration and Innovation for Better, Personalized and IT-Supported Teaching

Digital Agenda for the North Sea Region

Digital Agenda for the North Sea Region

Digital Agenda for the North Sea: Orientation towards New Innovation

Digital Agenda for the North Sea: Orientation towards New Innovation

European Collaborative Innovation Centres for broadband media services

European Collaborative Innovation Centres for broadband media services

Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies

Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies

Study regional products Brandenburg-Poland

Study regional products Brandenburg-Poland

Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea

Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea

Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network

Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network

Smart Cities

Smart Cities

Broadband Strategy Baden-Wurttemberg

Broadband Strategy Baden-Wurttemberg

Practice check: Media education

Practice check: Media education

Strategy for the Broadband Expansion in Saxony

Strategy for the Broadband Expansion in Saxony

Broadband Strategy Schleswig-Holstein

Broadband Strategy Schleswig-Holstein