Strategy development

aconium’s multidisciplinary Smart Regions team provides reliable support to municipalities in the development of their digital strategy. We work closely with you to create a strategy that is uniquely tailored to your needs and objectives. We support you in establishing a regional stakeholder network, facilitating participatory processes and events and coordinating the global development of your municipal digital strategy. At every step, we build on the results of the previous phase, using integrative formats and interactive methods.

Our project and network management methodology ensures an efficient implementation of your measures. Hand in hand with you, we identify and examine existing structures for the development of a Smart City/Region and help develop them further. To that end, we follow these four steps to build your Smart City/Region:

Module 1: Status quo analysis

The status quo analysis aims to identify development opportunities and priorities. Combining qualitative and quantitative survey methods, aconium Smart Regions team will assess the current situation and map out key areas to accelerate your digital transformation.

Module 2: Strategic vision development

Based on previous analyses and the global policy orientations of your municipality, aconium will help develop a mission statement for digitalisation. The aim is to determine what your overall digital strategy should achieve and more importantly a vision of the future for your city. It is crucial in this phase to involve representatives from politics, business, science and civil society.

Module 3: Development of action plans

The implementation plan translates the ideas developed in Module 2 into short, medium and long-term measures. These measures are then implemented in action plans with the relevant actors. Depending on the needs and orientation of the projects, we identify financing possibilities and support you in the application process.

Module 4: Monitoring and evaluation

During and after the implementation of specific measures, it is useful to evaluate their performance and thus the degree of completion of the digital strategy. Each component of the strategy will be reviewed and flexibly adapted to new conditions and changing requirements. In this phase, the monitoring structures are implemented and the evaluation of the measures is prepared and carried out.

Overall: Communication and marketing

To be successful, the digital transformation has to be supported by a broad public. Therefore, it is necessary that every step of the project is reinforced by clear communication and more importantly is a part a participation process, involving as many stakeholders as possible. Participatory formats, dialogue forums as well as targeted public relations and marketing measures can help draw attention to the topic of digitalization and ensure a higher acceptance of measures.