Glossary for digitisation




Glossary for the explanation and illustration of key terms in digitisation

The project

The joint task of “Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection” (German abbreviation: GAK) is the most important national funding instrument for sustainable agriculture and forestry, coastal protection and vital rural areas. It forms the core of many state funding programmes. In the funding regulations for the funding area “Integrated Rural Development” of the GAK, specific measures for digitisation are listed under the eligible measures for funding.
To specify these measures, it is necessary to use innovative, but also established, technical terms around digitisation. To ensure a general understanding of these terms – not only for the relevant state officers, but also for beneficiaries who plan and implement suitable digitisation measures – it was a central concern of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) to define, explain and illustrate these terms through clear examples.
This was carried out in form of a “glossary for the explanation of essential terms of digitisation”, which is supplemented by thematically relevant, real-world examples, raising the glossary to a practical level.


The aim of the project is to build up knowledge on the subject of digitisation – to provide a general understanding of technical terms relating to digitisation in addition to knowledge on specific application areas and implementation options for digitisation. This should enable a professional formulation of current funding regulations as well as a broader variety of topics in regional planning and the implementation of digitisation measures.

aconium responsibilities

aconium was responsible for researching relevant (technical) terms relating to digitisation and developing a proposal for the structure of the glossary. In addition, relevant subject areas for the application of digitisation measures, especially in rural areas, have been outlined.
The technical terms are explained using short, easy-to-understand texts that are intended to create a clear understanding for the reader.
In addition, aconium researched and analysed specific practical examples of digitisation and prepared them in an appealing way to illustrate application scenarios.

Lead Partner:

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

aconium responsibilities:

  • Conception and structuring of the glossary
  • Research and Analysis
  • Editorial creation of the glossary


11/2019 – 04/2020

aconium contact persons

Jana Brauckmüller

Jana Brauckmüller

Chief Regional Development Officer

Phone: +49 30 22183-3100

Julia Haselberger

Julia Haselberger

Project manager

Phone: +49 30 22183-3156