


Creation of a feasibility study for the establishment of a sustainable, social partnership-based advisory structure in Saxony


The aim of the project was to examine the feasibility of establishing a social partnership-based advisory structure in Saxony that would work towards a socially balanced and sustainable transformation in the interests of employees. On the basis of a well-founded analysis and the conclusions derived from it, a decision-making basis for the potential establishment of such an advisory structure was to be created.

Project content

The „Berufsfortbildungswerk gemeinnützige Bildungseinrichtungen (bfw)“ of the German Trade Union Confederation works together with other coopera-tion partners in the regional transformation network for the automotive and supplier industry “Mobilität – Leipzig im Wandel (MoLeWa)”. MoLeWa re-ceives its funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Pro-tection’s funding program for “Transformation Strategies for Regions of the Automotive and Supplier Industry”.

As a consortium partner for the employee side of the MoLeWa project, the bfw has set itself the goal of strengthening and further developing social partnership cooperation in the region as part of its project activities. After all, in order for good work to continue to exist in sectors that are characterized by far-reaching change processes, support, well-founded employee partici-pation and appropriate advisory structures are needed. Especially during the transformation, there is an increased need for advice and support for both companies and employees.

With a feasibility study for the establishment of a sustainable advisory struc-ture, which will focus in particular on advisory services for Saxon SMEs and their employees, the first fundamental step has been taken to drive this de-velopment forward.

Tasks of aconium GmbH

To implement the project, aconium GmbH analyzed existing consulting structures in the Federal Republic of Germany as a first step: the technology consulting centers (TBS) already successfully operating on the market served as best practice examples. The research and data collection was deepened in workshops and expert interviews. After analyzing the information, initial content was developed, which was validated by experts and practitioners.
The findings were then edited into a feasibility concept – supplemented by an estimation of the costs involved as part of a financing concept.

programm area:



Berufsfortbildungswerk gemeinnützige Bildungseinrichtungen des DGB (bfw)

taks of aconium GmbH:

  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • Data preparation and validation
  • Conception and implementation of participation formats (workshops, expert interviews)
  • Editorial creation of the feasibility concept


December 2023 to May 2024

aconium Contact Persons

Julia Haselberger

Julia Haselberger

Teamlead regional development

phone: +49 30 22183-3156

Dr. Carmen Leidereiter

Dr. Carmen Leidereiter

research employee

phone: +49 30 22183-1114