


Development of a LES for the LAG Flechtinger Höhenzug and Drömling


Development of a Local Development Strategy (LES) for the LAG Flechtinger Höhenzug and Drömling to participate in the competition for the selection of LEADER/CLLD areas in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in the EU funding period 2023 to 2027

Project content

The managing authorities for the European Structural and Investment Funds in the Ministry of Finance of the State of Saxony-Anhalt launched a competition to select LEADER/CLLD areas for the implementation of LEADER/CLLD in the EU funding period 2023-2027. Existing and new areas can apply in the competition for recognition as a LEADER/CLLD area in the coming funding period until the first of August 2022. At the heart of this application is the creation of an LES. As part of the project assignment, aconium GmbH will develop the LES in collaboration with the client and local stakeholders. The LES will be developed in a bottom-up process in line with the objectives of the European Structural and Investment Funds’ umbrella regulation and the state-specific objectives. The strategy is designed to be integrated, multi-sectoral, participatory and updatable. It is aimed at the particular development potential and needs of the region. The LES is therefore being developed in a regional participation process, which includes high-profile events, specialist workshops and an online survey.


The strategy to be developed contains in particular

  • the methodology and a description of the strategy development process
  • a socio-economic analysis as well as a SWOT and needs analysis
  • the strategic mission statement, development goals and action planning
  • the presentation of the organizational structure and process management
  • as well as a provisional financial plan and monitoring and evaluation targets.

Tasks of aconium GmbH

In close coordination with the LAG, the aconium organizes the entire development process of the LES, including project management, the assessment of the region’s development potential, the participation process and strategy formulation.


LEADER/CLLD Saxony-Anhalt


LAG Flechtinger Höhenzug and Drömling

Functions of aconium GmbH:

Regional development, project management and control, organizational development, strategy consulting and development, event management

Running time:

January 2022 – July 2022

aconium Contact person

Niklas Günther

Niklas Günther

Funding consultant

Mail: n.guenther@aconium.eu
Phone: +49 (0)341 962103-52