Mobile communication consulting

Products & Services

aconium GmbH supports the public sector and private companies in the construction and expansion of nationwide, high-performance mobile networks. We identify existing obstacles to expansion and potential for acceleration on site and then coordinate network expansion between the players involved. In this way, we ensure a smooth and faster network expansion.

Holistic advice through experience

Mobile networks are among the most important infrastructures in our country. They are not only used for communication and entertainment, but are also a location factor in the competition to attract companies, make a major contribution to the success of tourism in a region and help to drive digital change in cities and regions. In addition, employees expect to be able to work anywhere and at any time – including on transport and rail routes. The nationwide expansion of mobile communications requires a close coordination process between the stakeholders involved, such as mobile network operators, tower companies, public administration, business and the population. Different stakeholders always mean different interests, which can increase the need for coordination between the parties involved.

We have gained extensive experience and expertise in the field of mobile communications expansion by supporting various mobile communications projects, from planning and tower construction to the design and implementation of a nationwide mobile communications infrastructure company, and can reliably implement the function of a clearing house, mobile communications coordination or mobile communications competence center for ministries and districts. Our broad network and our contacts with all relevant companies (mobile communications companies, tower companies and fiber-optic expansion companies), institutions (e.g. MIG and BNetzA, ministries) and local authorities make us a valuable partner for mobile communications expansion in Germany.

We accompany and support our clients in the construction of mobile communications networks and assist them in all phases of the expansion with our team of experts consisting of mobile communications and frequency technicians, construction engineers, economists, lawyers and regulatory experts.

Our focus

Determination of mobile coverage based on published data

aconium GmbH collects and visualizes data on actual coverage on the basis of published coverage data and by involving the population via the Federal Network Agency’s “Funkloch-App”. Computer-aided simulation models are used to create an image of the local mobile coverage and processed on a GIS basis.

Mobile phone promotion

aconium advises and supports grant recipients and local authorities in applying for funding to close white spots. This is done in close coordination with the network operators, tower companies and the mobile communications infrastructure company and also includes support with the technical planning of the necessary passive infrastructure.

Detection of mobile phone coverage through measurement runs

A more accurate picture of mobile coverage is obtained by collecting data with state-of-the-art mobile scanners. During measurement runs, aconium GmbH collects data such as signal levels of all mobile technologies (GSM, 4G, 5G), download and upload speeds, ping values and the frequency bands used. The visualization of the data quickly reveals the reception quality and makes it easier to identify unserved and underserved areas. The data is processed and made available as thematic layers and maps for viewing in the GIS and as a download in a suitable database or geodata format. If desired, the expansion progress and the development of the supply quality in selected regions can be documented with repeated measurement runs.

Analysis report and action plan

Based on the data collected, customers receive an overview of white spots and underserved areas, i.e. areas that are no longer sufficiently covered by mobile communications due to increased user requirements. A prioritization of critical coverage areas differentiated according to potential for private-sector expansion, expansion within the framework of coverage requirements and subsidized expansion rounds off the analysis with graphical presentation.

In close consultation with customers, aconium GmbH then identifies measures to accelerate grid expansion and remove obstacles to expansion and draws up a plan of action.

Technical, legal, regulatory and economic mobile communications consulting

Developments in the mobile communications market are fast-moving. For many players, there is therefore a need for advice on all aspects of mobile communications technologies, mobile frequencies, technological innovations and legal and regulatory requirements. These include, for example, the 5G and prospective 6G expansion and the associated network densification, Open RAN, the development of small cells in municipalities, 5G campus networks, the resilience of mobile networks and health aspects. Our experts have the answers to the resulting questions and provide our customers with a well-founded assessment and analysis of the associated opportunities and challenges.

Committee meetings, citizen participation & public relations work

The construction and expansion of mobile phone networks does not always meet with the same approval everywhere. Mobile phone sites can affect the landscape and cause unease among some citizens. This is why transparency and balanced information are needed from the outset and, in some places, a close dialog with the population. aconium GmbH moderates and mediates any conflicts that arise in committees and among the population and takes on public relations work in close consultation with customers.

Planning and implementation

aconium supports clients in the planning and implementation of further network expansion. In the role of a coordinating body, our experts are the central point of contact for mobile network operators, tower companies, mobile infrastructure companies, municipal authorities and administrative units, state representatives, businesses and citizens. We support the responsible stakeholders on site, assist with search circle inquiries and the identification of suitable private and public properties, support the application and approval processes and identify subsidized and private broadband infrastructures for connecting mobile network sites.

Contact us

Our expert Andreas Schröder is available to you personally as a contact person. You can reach him by e-mail at or by phone on +49 30 22183-1302.