Great interest in aconium portfolio at KOMMUNALE 2021

Great interest in aconium portfolio at KOMMUNALE 2021

It was the long-awaited reunion: For two days during KOMMUNALE 2021, the Nuremberg Exhibition Center was transformed into a meeting place for all players and experts in the field of public administration.On both days of the trade fair (October 20/21), atene KOM...
eGovernment Monitor 2021: Citizens open to more digital government

eGovernment Monitor 2021: Citizens open to more digital government

People in Germany are increasingly open-minded when it comes to digital administrative services and the digitalization of public life. This is one of the key findings of the eGovernment Monitor 2021, which Initiative D21 presented today. However, as citizens’...
The district of Bautzen celebrates the leap into the gigabit future

The district of Bautzen celebrates the leap into the gigabit future

It is one of the largest expansion projects in the federal broadband funding program: over 67,000 previously underserved connections in the district of Bautzen – and therefore almost all households and businesses – are to be connected to the fibre optic...