With a visit to INNOPORT in Reutlingen on Saturday, the aconium Infomobile completed its last stop in Baden-Württemberg for the time being. After a three-week tour through the “Ländle”, the mobile will continue its journey into the future in Bavaria at the beginning of November. The final stop in Reutlingen was once again a real highlight.

Where goods used to be handled and trucks loaded, an industrial park of the future is currently being built. The INNOPORT innovation center is the first major anchor point in the development of the former Willi Betz freight forwarding site in Reutlingen. On Saturday, around 50 companies presented themselves to around 2,500 visitors at the Innovation Center’s open day.

Among other things, the atene KOM “Future Journey” team provided information on the InKoMo 4.0 project, in which aconium GmbH establishes and supports innovation partnerships between municipalities and the mobility industry on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg. How can e-mobility be used in cities in an economical and sustainable way? These and similar questions are being addressed by the project participants from local authorities and industry within this framework.

“The visit to INNOPORT was a successful conclusion to our information tour through Baden-Württemberg,” says Jannis Haack, Head of aconium GmbH’s regional office in Stuttgart. Together with his team, he has visited almost a dozen digitalization locations in the southwest over the past three weeks. “We want to show how important digitalization is, especially in rural areas, and what social and economic progress is made possible by digital infrastructures.” These ranged from ground-breaking ceremonies for new fiber optic expansion areas to the Day of Crafts and the State Garden Show on Lake Constance.

The Stuttgart-based company’s summary: “We are very satisfied and impressed by the openness and interest of the people at the marketplaces in topics such as digital administration and e-mobility,” says site manager Jannis Haack. The exchange with municipal decision-makers, from the mayor to the broadband commissioner, was just as exciting and intensive.

The atene KOM Infomobile will be touring Bavaria from the beginning of November on its future journey to 100 places of digitalization in Germany. The team from the Munich regional office will be taking over here. Since the tour kicked off on Sylt at the beginning of August, the Infomobile has already been on the road in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.

All dates, impressions of the future journey, interviews with digital minds and much more can be found here.