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Aquaculture Expert Floor for Circular Economy Practice

In AquaLoop, seven project partners from five partner countries have joined forces under the leadership of the University of Rostock to promote the development of sustainable and circular aquaculture production in the South Baltic region.





The project focuses on three cross-border pilot projects by the universities of Rostock (DE), Gdansk (PL) and Klaipeda (LT), in which new concepts for circular aquaculture production are being developed and tested. The piloting is carried out with the close involvement of project partners and associated organizations from the aquaculture industry in order to demonstrate the applicability of the developed solutions.

Building on the three physical pilot projects, a virtual fourth pilot project will be implemented. The aim is to apply an agri-aquaculture concept that has already been successfully implemented in Sweden to the ecological, legal, economic and climatic context of Denmark. This fourth pilot project will result in a feasibility study and a business model case analysis for the establishment of a land-based circular aquaculture production on an existing Danish agricultural farm. On this basis a comparative study will be drawn up, which aims at identifying existing national barriers to the integration of circular aquaculture production in agriculture in the South Baltic Region.

A second focus of AquaLoop is on measures targeting the transnational knowledge transfer about circular aquaculture in the South Baltic Region. This includes the development and implementation of target group-specific teaching and training programs for secondary school pupils, students and young professionals. Stakeholder workshops will be held and an AquaLoop platform will be created to make the project results and materials available to relevant stakeholders.


The aim of AquaLoop is to develop, promote and disseminate new approaches for circular aquaculture production in the South Baltic Region with a focus on nutrient loop containment.

Tasks of aconium GmbH

As an external service provider, aconium GmbH is responsible for the financial management of AquaLoop. In this function, it advises the lead partner and the consortium on all financial management-related issues, provides support with financial reporting, monitors project expenditure and handles communication with the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg South Baltic programme.


Interreg South Baltic

Lead Partner:

University of Rostock

Tasks and functions of aconium GmbH:

Financial Management

Running Time:

01.09.2023 until 31.08.2026

aconium Contact Persons

Britta Schmigotzki

Head of EU Programs and Networks
Phone: +49 30 22183 3101

Jonas Kratz

EU Finance Manager
Phone: +49 341 96210332