


Development of the regional development strategy (RES) for the LAG Ostprignitz-Ruppin (LEADER)


Together with the state of Brandenburg, the European Union supports projects in rural areas as part of the LEADER funding program. The aim is to maintain the economic strength and quality of life of rural regions, strengthen community life and ensure the future viability of villages. The Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK) of the state of Brandenburg is launching a competition to recognize up to 15 LEADER regions in Brandenburg for the implementation of LEADER in the EU funding period 2023-2027. The basis for recognition as a LEADER region and operational implementation of the program are regional development strategies (RES), which must be developed by the local action group (LAG) for the coming funding period.

Project content

The LAG Ostprignitz-Ruppin is seeking renewed recognition as a LEADER region for the 2023-2027 funding period. The state’s call is therefore being taken as an opportunity to update the regional development strategy (RES) from the previous funding period and to formulate priorities, fields of action and objectives and to define funding conditions for the LEADER region of Ostprignitz-Ruppin. Within this framework, established functions and processes will be further developed so that the participatory LEADER approach in the development process of the RES is brought to bear through the involvement of regional stakeholders and is developed and implemented from within the region.


The regional development strategy (RES) for the region is developed in a participatory process together with the LAG and other stakeholder groups. The RES describes the future thematic and spatial priorities of the region-specific structural development and thus serves as a central instrument for the implementation of LEADER funding in Ostprignitz-Ruppin.

Tasks of aconium GmbH

As a sparring partner for LAG Ostprignitz-Ruppin and the regional management involved, aconium GmbH organizes the entire development process of the regional development strategy, from conception to editorial creation. The process support includes the assessment of development needs and potentials, strategic consulting as well as the conceptual and practical implementation of the participation process.


LEADER Brandenburg


Regional Development Ostprignitz-Ruppin e.V.

Functions of aconium GmbH:

Regional development, project management and control, organizational development, strategy consulting and development, event management

Running time:

October 2021 – July 2022

aconium Contact persons

Julia Haselberger

Julia Haselberger

Project manager

Phone: +49 30 22183-3156

Chantal Fleischmann

Chantal Fleischmann

Project manager

Phone: +49 385 489 382 26