e-smartec – Phase II




Creation of an online platform and realisation of enabling measures as part of the implementation of the action plan of the Interreg Europe project “e-smartec: enhanced sustainable mobility with marketing techniques”

Project content

The Hesse Center for Sustainable Mobility Planning pursues the goal of supporting Hessian municipalities in sustainable mobility and transport planning as part of the mobility transition. The Interreg Europe project “e-smartec: enhanced sustainable mobility with marketing techniques”, in which the centre of expertise was active as a partner, focused on a participatory approach: the action plan developed by the state of Hesse within the project aims to strengthen participation processes in the context of mobility planning procedures and, in particular, to empower municipal actors to implement them.

In this context, a web-based method kit with marketing and participation methods was developed. The aim was to provide representatives of Hessian municipalities as well as transport and mobility planners with practical assistance in identifying, applying and promoting suitable marketing and participation methods.

In addition, practice-oriented empowerment and training measures for municipal actors were developed and implemented to provide further support.


The action plan developed by the state of Hesse as part of e-smartec aims to strengthen participation processes as part of mobility planning procedures and to empower municipal actors to actively implement participation processes in order to shape the mobility transition together with citizens.

Tasks of aconium GmbH

aconium was responsible for the systematic development and preparation of participation methods and techniques in the form of fact sheets, guidelines and checklists. For the online platform, it developed a user-oriented platform and database structure with a comprehensive filter-based search function.

It also developed concepts for empowerment and training measures for municipal actors as well as for a consulting service in the form of bilateral “consultation hours”. For the implementation of the empowerment and training measures, aconium GmbH was responsible for researching, approaching and briefing experts, as well as moderating and documenting these training sessions. aconium GmbH also developed a communication strategy for marketing the developed offers.

Program room:



Hesse Center for Sustainable Mobility Planning

Functions of aconium GmbH:

  • Research, conception and development of content for the method kit
  • Content development of a filter
  • Conception, moderation and documentation of training and advisory services
  • Development and editorial creation of a communication strategy

Running time:

October 2021 to January 2023

aconium Contact person

Julia Haselberger

Julia Haselberger

Project manager

Mail: j.haselberger@aconium.eu
Phone: +49 30 22183-3156