Mobile MV

Expert opinion on radio mast infrastructure company Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Project content
Many municipal administrations and state governments are increasingly considering the idea of influencing and controlling mobile network expansion themselves. The constant exchange with citizens, local businesses and tourists provides information about gaps in coverage and areas with inadequate coverage quality. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is taking a completely new approach as a federal state. The state wants to build mobile network sites, connect them to the fiber optic network and then lease them to the mobile network operators.
In the last legislature, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania founded a radio mast infrastructure company (FMI 1) with the aim of setting up passive mobile communications infrastructure in white spots and leasing it to mobile network operators. In addition to simply closing white spots, the state government also sees the need to increase the density of mast sites in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In the 2021 to 2026 coalition agreement, it was agreed that the state will now erect all mobile phone masts that are necessary for a nationwide 4G/5G mobile network expansion. There are no plans to privatize these mobile phone masts. The radio mast infrastructure company (known as FMI 2) is to erect the masts (including fiber optic connections) on its own account as a “tower company” and lease them to the mobile network operators.
Tasks of aconium GmbH
According to official statements, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has relatively good and almost nationwide mobile phone coverage (across all technologies). However, the usual representations are positive assumptions and cannot stand up to practical experience. aconium GmbH was commissioned to investigate the actual coverage and to provide the planning basis for further expansion with mobile communications sites and to determine the investment requirements and economic viability for a radio mast infrastructure company. This was carried out computer-aided on the basis of existing data from aconium GmbH, data from the state and the three established network operators as well as with the help of a geoinformation system from aconium. The results were recorded in an expert report.
Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Digitalization of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Functions of aconium GmbH:
Expert opinions, financing, company structure, expansion planning
Running time:
September to December 2020
aconium Contact person