LowTEMP 2.0




Training courses on low-temperature district heating in the Baltic Sea region

Project content

In “LowTEMP 2.0”, 11 partners and 42 associated organizations from local, regional and national authorities, district heating suppliers, energy agencies, research institutions and associations in nine countries in the Baltic Sea region worked together. It built on and further developed the results of the main LowTEMP project (duration 2017 – 2020) in the area of capacity building and training. The seminar program from LowTEMP was adapted to the national and local characteristics of the nine participating countries. In addition to linguistic adaptation, this also included taking into account the legal framework, the stakeholder landscape and the respective country-specific funding frameworks. At the same time, various training contents on the topic of district heating were also made available outside of face-to-face or virtual training events through the development of an e-learning program. These digital teaching materials are available to all interested stakeholders on the LowTEMP project website. The individual project partners held several seminars in their countries during the project period and beyond.


The aim of the LowTEMP 2.0 project was to strengthen and expand capacity building for low-temperature district heating networks in the Baltic Sea region. With the transfer of knowledge on the topics of sustainable and efficient energy supply systems, the project contributes to reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the Baltic Sea region.

Tasks of aconium GmbH

The aconium GmbH was responsible for the project development, preparation and submission of the funding application on behalf of the partnership. As a project partner in LowTEMP 2.0, aconium GmbH was responsible for the creation of the e-learning courses, among other things. All three courses were also translated into German by aconium. This means that three comprehensive courses in English and German on sustainable heat supply and district heating are now available free of charge.


Interreg Baltic Sea Program 2014 – 2020

Lead Partner:

Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Polish Academy of Sciences

Functions of aconium GmbH:

  • Project development and application
  • Creation of e-learning courses


1 year (01/2021 – 12/2021)

aconium Contact person

Britta Schmigotzki

Britta Schmigotzki

Head of EU programs and networks

Mail: b.schmigotzki@aconium.eu
Phone: +49 30 22183 3101