


NeuSTADT-Meile Dessau-Roßlau

Project Content

With the “NeuSTADT-Meile Dessau-Roßlau” project, the city of Dessau-Roßlau is bundling a series of diverse measures to counteract structural change on site. These include the preparation of various feasibility studies on key municipal properties, the establishment of development-steering institutions such as the NeuSTADT agency, the temporary leasing and revitalization of unused spaces, and investments to prepare vacant facilities for cultural activities, for example. In addition, there are extensive marketing and public relations measures.

The project is funded by the federal program “Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren” (ZIZ) of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB). The funding offers the city the opportunity to meet its challenges with concrete and innovative measures and to set positive development impulses.

The structural change in the city of Dessau-Roßlau is prominently evident in various places. The decline in supply in the retail landscape and the resulting store vacancies in the city center not only impair the attractiveness of the shopping and visitor experience, but also the quality of local economic and social life. There is a danger of the self-reinforcing process of increasing “desolation”. Against this background, the city is pursuing various strategies to counteract the negative effects of ongoing structural change or to implement innovative approaches to revitalize and upgrade the city center.



With the “NeuSTADT-Meile” project, the city of Dessau-Roßlau wants to identify existing potential and make it usable. For example, vacant spaces are to develop into new places for cultural encounters and valuable impulses are to form the cornerstone for a sustainable and resilient inner city development. The project aims to find new uses for vacant spaces, increase the quality of stay in the project area through greening and design measures, bring creative thinkers and doers into the project area, counteract desolation and promote the overall perception and appeal of Dessau’s city center in the region.


aconium responsibilities

On behalf of the city of Dessau-Roßlau, aconium takes over the overall project management for the implementation of the funding program. This includes the coordination of the involved actors, the project and funding management including the monitoring and reporting of the progress. In addition to technical project implementation, aconium also supports the individual project sponsors in the technical implementation of the various urban development measures of the “NeuSTADT-Meile”.


Programm Name:

Federal program for sustainable inner cities and centers

Lead Partner:

City Dessau-Roßlau

aconium responsibilities:

  • Project Management
  • Network management and communication
  • Grants management
  • Content-related project support


May 23 until August 2025

aconium contact persons

Alexander Hörmann

Alexander Hörmann

Project Lead

Phone: +49 (0) 89 413248838