The project partners kicked off CORA – COnnecting Remote Areas with digital infrastructure and services on 6-8 November in Kortrijk, Belgium.

During the three days of intensive work, CORA project partners discussed their ambitious plans and activities to bridge rural digital divide in their regions. Furthermore, the representatives of the Interreg North Sea Region joint secretariat discussed the financial and communication procedures and regulations on 7 November with the project partners.

CORA is an Interreg NSR VB (2014-2020) project and comprises a transnational consortium with 18 partners from 7 European member states.

The project comprises 6 work packages with the focus on bridging digital divide and stimulating digital innovation in rural areas. The project enables local authorities to fill in the digital gaps in terms of advanced infrastructure, digital skills as well as digital public services and empowers them to create an environment to facilitate digital innovation in rural areas.

Until 2020, 10 regions test one or more dimension of digitization in their regions. These include, cross border fiber sharing, superfast wireless solutions, new digital public services, fixed and mobile digital hubs as well as digital skill training. The results will be utilized to formulate digital strategies for rural areas and will be streamlined to the regional, national as well as European authorities.

aconium GmbH is the project developer as well as project partner and the leader of communication work package in CORA.

More information on CORA

Photo top: Participantes of CORA kick-off Meeting in Kontrijk, Belgium on 8 November 2017.
Photo bottom: CORA flyers at Berlin trade fair “Digital regions – today and tomorrow” on 25 October 2017.
Credit: aconium GmbH / Florian Schuh.