On 22 November, the EU-funded project “LowTEMP – Low temperature district heating for the Baltic Sea region” started in Gdansk, Poland with a kick-off meeting. LowTEMP aims to make the district heating supply infrastructure in the Baltic Sea region more efficient and sustainable by introducing low temperature grids and the related technologies. After the successful application and approval of the project within the Interreg Baltic Sea region programme, aconium GmbH successfully applied for the project management as well as for communication and financial management.

In cooperation with the polish lead partner IMP PAN (Institute of Fluid-flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences), aconium organized the kick-off meeting on 22 and 23 November. During the first part of the event, which involved 32 representatives of the project partners from eight EU-countries as well as interested Polish experts LowTEMP was introduced and the current situation of district heating in the Baltic Sea region explained. Follow-up discussions focused on district heating in Poland, Germany and the Baltic States. Moreover, an expert from the Danish Aalborg University shared his expertise about „4th Generation District Heating“.

After this exciting first half of the day, Jan Schmidt, project officer at the EU Interreg Baltic Sea region programme in Rostock, opened the internal part for the project partners and explained the requirements of the programme. Afterwards, the participants had the opportunity to visit the district heating plant in Wejherowo, which uses conventional methods to generate heat for the surrounding urban districts.

On the second day of the kick-off meeting, the project participants of aconium GmbH, Britta Schmigotzki (project manager), Darijus Valiucko (communication manager) and Christoph Wald (finance manager), presented the planned implementation of LowTEMP. Furthermore, they discussed the next steps with the participants in workshops. Moreover, all partners used this opportunity to introduce themselves with a short presentation.

After this informative kick-off meeting, all 19 project partners from nine nations will be starting to work on their tasks to promote sustainable and efficient district heating grids. More information on LowTEMP is available in the project description.

Photo top: Britta Schmigotzki (project manager aconium GmbH) during a lecture at the kick-off meeting for LowTEMP on 23 November 2017 in Gdansk, Poland.
Photo bottom: Darijus Valiucko (communication manager, aconium GmbH) during a lecture at the kick-off meeting for LowTEMP on 23 November 2017 in Gdansk, Poland; Jan Schmidt (Interreg Baltic Sea region joint secretariat), Prof. Adam Cenian (Institute of Fluid-flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences) and Britta Schmigotzki (project manager aconium GmbH) talking; LowTEMP projekt partners on excursion on 22 November 2017 the district heating plant in Wejherowo, Poland.
Credit: aconium GmbH