For the fifth time in a row, aconium organises the “Governmental Day“ Workshop. This one will take place within the framework of the FTTH Conference in Valencia on 13 February 2018.

Agenda and speakers

13 February 2018 | FERIA VALENCIA, Avinguda de les Fires 1, 46035 València (Spain)

Moderation: Tony Shortall (Director at TELAGE)

  • 14:00 – 14:05: Welcome and opening remarksTim Brauckmüller, Managing Director at aconium, BCO Germany
  • 14:05 – 14:35: European Commission policy updateCarlota Reyners Fontana, Head of Unit B5, European Commission DG Communications Networks, Contents and Technology Investment in High-Capacity Networks
    • Broadband development, initiatives, actions (e.g. Broadband platform)
    • BCO Networks
    • Funding possibilities (e.g. Connecting Europe Broadband Fund)
    • Connectivity for a European gigabit society
    • 5G and converged networks
    • WiFi4EU and Broadband Europe
  • 14:35 – 15:30: Planning successful broadband rollout! Best Practices from European regionsWinners of the European Broadband Awards
    • Colchester Business Broadband, UKSteven Eke, Project Manager Colchester, Borough Council
    • Coviolo Wireless, ItalyValeria Montanari, Assessor Digital Agenda Reggio Emilia
    • Optic fiber to al houses on Gotland, SwedenAnne Ståhl Mousa, IT Strategy and International Officer Gotland County
    • Initial impulse Glass-Fiber-City Lauchhammer, GermanyHeinz-Peter Labonte, Chair KOMBUNT

15:30 – 16:00: Coffee Break

  • 16:00 – 16:10: Tackling the digital rural divide Peyman Khodabakhsh, CORA Project Partner aconium, Germany
    • Ideas from the Interreg NSR project Connecting Remote Areas with digital infrastructure and services
  • 16:10 – 16:20: Building a collaborative economy over networks as in commonsRoman Rocca, Project Manager, Gulfi-net foundation, Spain
    • Local/regional example for tackling the rural divide
  • 16:20 – 16:45: Multilogues – Tackling the rural digital divideAll participants; Moderation: Darijus Valiucko, Project Manager, aconium
  • 16:45 – 17:20: Round table presentationsAll participants
  • 17:20 – 17:30: Workshop summaryTim Brauckmüller, Managing Director at aconium, BCO Germany
    • Summary of outputs of the workshop and outlook

Register now via aconium and get a discount or even free access to Workshop and FTTH Conference.

  • Policy makers and public officers register for free
  • Academia and students register at 110 € + VAT
  • Furthermore, as a partner of the FTTH Council, we are pleased to offer a 20 % discount on the registration fee for all other participants

We also recommend the workshop “Germany after the General Election – getting serious about Gigabit”. This one is taking place 13 February right before our “Governmental Day” Workshop. Both workshops complement each other well.

Photo top: Governmental Workshop of aconium in Berlin, October 2017. Credit: aconium Gmbh/Florian Schuh. Picture below: Banner of FTTH Conference 2018. Credit: FTTH Council Europe.