Digitisation in rural areas still has significant deficits. Often there is a shortage of digital infrastructure as well as a lack of knowledge about how digital applications can be used. The affected regions run the risk of being left behind in many areas of society and economy as the digital divide worsens.

The CORA project (COnnecting Remote Areas with Digital Infrastructure and Services) of the Interreg North Sea Region addresses these challenges by looking at the key factors of the digital divide: digital infrastructure, services and skills. CORA helps local authorities to identify their common challenges and empowers them to share experiences and test innovative solutions to create an advanced digital environment.

On 13 November 2018, the CORA Annual Conference organized by aconium will take place in Kiel. Under the title “Transnational solutions to digitalise your region”, the project partners and other experts will provide insights into approaches and initial project results from the North Sea region and share information on methods and measures for making rural regions more digitally connected. In an interactive exchange, all participants have the opportunity to share their experiences with colleagues from aconium (Germany) and CORA project partners from six other EU countries.

The conference programme is supplemented by up-to-date information on the federal funding programme for broadband, on digital offers in the office Hüttener Berge, and on digital initiatives by the city of Norderstedt.

Conference agenda at a glance:

COnnecting Remote Areas, a CORA storyIntroducing the INTERREG NSR project “CORA (COnnecting Remote Areas with digital infrastruc-ture and services)”
Let’s create your smart region together – Interactive session part 1Interactive sessions on Smart Region’s dimensions:
- Digital Infrastructure
- Digital Services
- Digital Skills
CORA partners will debate preliminary outputs with conference participants. Results of the sessions will flow into the CORA outputs.
Let’s create your smart region together – Interactive session part 2Presentation of session results and open discussion
Sharing ideas from Germany
Good examples in creating a regional digital ecosystem
German federal funding programme on broadband
An ambition towards a nationwide future proof digital infrastructure

Interactive digital services in rural areas
A story from Hüttener Berge

Digital Skills matter
A successful initiative from northern Germany
Conclusion of the day and outlook

For the full agenda, registration and more information, please visit the CORA website or contact us.

Photo: The conference “Transnational solutions to digitalise your region” will take place in Kiel on 13 November 2018.
Photo credit: canadastock/shutterstock