Low temperature district and local heating networks are effective and future-oriented supply systems that shall be considered when refurbishing buildings and quarters. With the Interreg V B LowTEMP project (Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region), first feasible approaches are developed and experiences are exchanged. From 19 till 21 September the third partner meeting of the LowTEMP project took place in Latvia, hosted by Riga Technical University, Gulbene Municipality and Vidzeme Planning Region. The first day was reserved for a closed partner workshop, to reflect on the project progress and to discuss upcoming activities. The following two days not only served to visit Latvian projects related to energy efficiency in buildings but first of all to get to know the Latvian pilot project.

Gulbene Municipality, located in the north-east of Latvia, is the first partner, which will start with the implementation of pilot measures within the framework of the LowTEMP project. In the village Belava, which is located within Gulbene district, the existing outdated heating infrastructure will be replaced with a low temperature district heating grid, supplying low temperature heat to two already insulated buildings. For the project it is interesting that three different types of users are located in the buildings, with presumably different demand and usage structures: the local government, a culture centre and a kindergarten. Within the framework of the planned construction measures a container-type boiler house and a new pipe system will be installed, pellets will be used as combustion material. Within the buildings new heat transfer and control stations will be implemented.

The project design and coordination as well as the construction works will be financed by Gulbene Municipality. The LowTEMP project will co-finance the implementation of several measures with innovative character. These include a smart metering system, the installation of three mobile indoor climate data centres and the development of a strategy for low temperature heating networks in other Latvian regions.

Already in the beginning of October the construction works will start. Thus, the buildings can be supplied with sustainable heat already this winter.

Photo top: LowTEMP project partners in the Faculty of Architecture at Riga Technical University on 19 September 2018, amongst them aconium employees Christoph Wald (l.), Britta Schmigotzki (6th fr. l.) und Darijus Valiucko (7th fr. l.).
Credit: Vidzeme Planning Region / Baiba Norberte
Photo middle: The project partners visit the pilot project area Belava in Gulbene Municipality on 20 September 2018.
Credit: Gulbene Municipality / Gunta Kalmane