What is the difference between data protection and data security? What does a chatbot do? And what do we actually mean when we talk about a digital ecosystem? A glossary to explain key terms in digitisation turns question marks into insights.

Although it is a ubiquitous phenomenon in our society, digitisation with its opportunities and potential has neither been fully recognised nor exhausted. In rural areas in particular, digitisation can help eliminate numerous inherent problems and optimise structures. In order to successfully plan and implement targeted digitisation measures, however, there is often a lack of a general thematic technical understanding and knowledge of the specific design options digitisation offers.

For this purpose, aconium – on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) – has developed a manual explaining key terms in relation to digitisation. For this purpose, relevant technical terms related to digitisation were researched and made easy to understand using short explanatory texts. Clearly structured into chapters on “Politics and Society”, “Data Use”, “Digital Technologies” and “Digital Applications”, navigating the document is also made easy for the reader.

The second part of the manual focuses on potential application scenarios for digitisation under a wide umbrella of themes. This includes not only areas like mobility, administration and local supply, but also areas such as health, culture and education. Using concrete and applied examples, the manual clearly demonstrates how digitisation measures can be implemented in reality. The so-called “OhneArztPraxis”, for example, allows patients to receive medical care without having to consult a doctor on site through a large number of telemedical procedures. And the “Digimobil” of the Brandenburg consumer service centre informs interested parties all over Brandenburg in regular intervals via video chat about topics related to consumer protection.

Find out more about other exciting digitisation measures in our glossary.