The third call for project proposals for Interreg Northwest Europe (NWE) is open from 18 till 27 April 2016. The application process consists of two steps – applicants can submit an expression of interest and in the second step a full application from those who have been chosen will be put forward. The project area includes the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland as well as parts of France, the Netherlands and Germany.

Projects related to the following objectives can apply:

  • Innovation
    • To enhance innovation performance of enterprises throughout NWE regions
  • Low Carbon
    • To facilitate the implementation of low-carbon, energy and climate protection strategies to reduce GHG emissions in NEW
    • To facilitate the uptake of low carbon technologies, products, processes and services in sectors with high energy saving potential, to reduce GHG emissions in NEW
    • To facilitate the implementation of transnational low-carbon solutions in transport systems to reduce GHG-emissions in NEW
  • Resource & material efficiency
    • To optimize the (re)use of material and natural resources in NWE

 You can find more detailed information here:

 On 07 of April aconium attended the „Poject Idea Lab“, an information seminar for the Interreg NEW program. The event offered the possibility to present project ideas and find new partners. In addition, the NWE Secretariat informed the participants in more detail about the application process and the development of project ideas.