Net4all – Public and private partnership to bring UBB network to industrial areas in digital divide in Emilia-Romagna

Region Emilia-Romagna invests in the creation of an Ultra-Broadband (UBB) network serving public administration and private enterprises, the Lepida Network (a private network owned by public administrations). The model is already applied in 12 industrial areas and 90 enterprises, and is based on: reuse of existing passive public infrastructure and a public private partnership (co-investing enterprises) to build new networks. This is an example of a successful public and private investment mechanism, resulting in an open network and a strong economic business model. Further Information:

Breitband-Masterplan für Tirol

The Tyrolean Regional Government established appropriate conditions for the Tyrolean municipalities for building their own passive Broadband infrastructure. More than 140 municipalities took part. The TIWAG (energy supply company owned by the Region of Tyrol) provides about 1.500 km of empty conduit infrastructure and the Austrian Federal Government provides additional funds in a grant programme Leerrohrförderung. This is a successful example of joint efforts of regional authorities, municipalities and energy companies in reducing the cost of broadband deployment and providing an open network. Further Information:

APOLO-CALIFORNIA, FTTH co-investment agreement between Orange Spain & Vodafone Spain

Orange and Vodafone coordinated their investments to avoid overlapping in FTTH network deployment. This increased efficiency and speed in the deployment, led to rapid enlargement of the FTTH footprint in Spain and provided high broadband services to the high number of users. This is an example of changing the mind-set: overcoming the difficulties in bringing together large companies, reaching an agreement and making a joint business successful. Further Information: &

Further information about the European Broadband Award can be found here: