On Wednesday, 3rd March, aconium GmbH participated at a meeting regarding the launch of HyTrEc 2 in Brussels.

Benjamin Daumiller, Associate Director of the European Institute for Innovation (EIfI), Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General of Hydrogen Europe, and Michael Sanchez-Rydelski, aconium GmbH Brussels, discussed the objectives of the “Hydrogen Transport Economy for the North Sea Region 2″. HyTrEc 2 is the follow-up project of HyTrEc (2012 – 2015) and is also located within the Interreg VB North Sea Region Programme. The project duration for HyTrEc 2 is 5 years.

While the first HyTrEc was aiming at the improvement of access to the use of hydrogen as an alternative energy source across the North Sea region, HyTrEc 2 positions itself in a more concrete form intending to elaborate solutions for the use of hydrogen for mobility and transport purposes in the North Sea area. To this end, existing approaches such as power-to-gas, the production of green hydrogen and the construction of hydrogen infrastructures and vehicle fleets are to be improved, and current indicators of these fields of application should be evaluated.

The meeting mainly aimed at the coordination and planning of upcoming project steps. Particular attention was paid to preparations for activities at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn in November 2017. At the event, numerous players in the mobility sector will present environmentally friendly, hydrogen-based applications. HyTrEc 2 will be positioned accordingly.

In conclusion, the meeting addressed the latest European developments in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies as well as regional funding opportunities for this technology sector.

aconium GmbH already played a decisive role in the first HyTrEc project. With regard to HyTrEc 2, the cooperation within the project is now being further intensified.