During the legislative period from 2019 to 2024, the State Chancellery of Brandenburg developed a state-wide regional development strategy (RES) together with key regional players as part of the REGIONALE dialog and work process in order to make Brandenburg’s regions fit for the future. The key points and successes to date have now been published in the brochure “RES – briefly explained”. Together with the results of the status report from July 2024, it forms the basis for the further development of the strategy process, which actively involves all regions of the state.

The brochure provides a compact overview of the central aspects of the strategy, which aims to bring impetus and development opportunities to all parts of Brandenburg. Particular attention is paid to rural areas, which are to be given greater consideration.

The RES “Combining strengths” builds on the successful regional growth cores (RWK), but places particular emphasis on specifically linking their strengths with rural areas and new, digital forms of living and working.

A central element of the new strategy is the involvement of an extended group of stakeholders, which includes districts and LEADER action groups in addition to the RWK. In addition, strategic guidelines are defined that serve as an orientation aid for the development of key projects and specifically control their spatial impact.

The brochure explains these key elements and provides a comprehensive insight into the objectives and planned implementation steps of the strategy. It is aimed at all interested parties and stakeholders who would like to play an active role in Brandenburg’s regional development.

As part of the process management for the REGIONALE initiated by the State Chancellery, aconium GmbH has taken over the monitoring and support of the stakeholders in the Havelland-Fläming, Oderland-Spree, Prignitz-Oberhavel and Uckermark-Barnim regions. The central tasks included the establishment of working and decision-making structures, the development of a technical basis for agreeing on common regional objectives and support in the selection and qualification of key projects with a multi-dimensional technical and spatial impact and a broad regional base.

Further information and details can be found in the brochure (design: aconium GmbH):
