Since 2018, the Hüttener Berge office in Schleswig-Holstein has been part of the European project “CORA – COnnecting Remote Areas with digital infrastructure and services”which is part of the Interreg V B North Sea Region Program funded by the European Union and supported by aconium GmbH. In the project, 18 partners from seven European countries are exchanging information on the digitalization of rural regions and developing digital infrastructures and applications in their municipalities. With CORA, the Office Hüttener Berge gains valuable experience in a European transnational funding project. In this interview, Andreas Betz, Director of the Hüttener Berge district, explains which measures have already been implemented within the CORA project and why international networking between municipalities is important.
aconium: What goals is the Hüttener Berge office pursuing within the CORA project?
Andreas Betz: Our goals within the project are to create a digital infrastructure in our office and to impart skills: the citizens of Hüttener Berge should be able to find out about all municipal and tourism-related matters and be able to use digital devices and applications with confidence. This way, the CORA project contributes to the implementation of our Digital Agenda.
aconium: What digital infrastructure is to be set up as part of the CORA project?
Betz: For example, we are setting up digital information terminals in the Hüttener Berge office, which are being financed as part of the CORA project. These terminals display news and event information for our citizens, but also for tourists. We have had a data hub programmed for this purpose. If we enter a new message or an event tip, the information automatically appears on our website and on the terminals. We asked our 16 municipal councils where the terminals could be located. Together, we have identified five locations and want to install the terminals next September.
Five so-called e-screens are already in operation. These are 86-inch touchscreens that can be operated like tablets and are intended to reflect the modern office. This allows us to show a presentation, for example, and add further information using a suitable pen. We want to use these interactive e-screens to teach skills. One screen is already installed in our meeting room, one e-screen is installed in a school and three screens are located in our village community centers. The e-screens have already been very well received. The task now is to find the most effective way of using them and then pass them on so that all meetings of the municipalities, clubs and associations can run effectively.
aconium: What does the CORA-supported teaching of digital skills look like in the Hüttener Berge office?
Betz: Together with the Broadband Competence Center Schleswig-Holstein (BKZSH), we have developed a concept for imparting skills in the Hüttener Berge office. We are starting with training older people in the use of tablets and smartphones. The Broadband Competence Center has purchased devices for this purpose, which we use to explain how Skype works, for example. Participants can also bring their own devices and ask questions.
The next step is to introduce skills training in the four elementary schools. We have purchased 80 convertibles – laptops whose keyboards can be detached to turn them into tablets – which will be distributed among our five elementary schools. Coming school term, the devices can be used and digital skills can be taught to pupils and teachers.
aconium: How do you rate the work within the CORA project?
Betz: This is the first time that we from the Hüttener Berge Office have taken part in an Interreg project – and I have to say, I’m thrilled. We have already been involved in several small funding projects, but this project stands out due to its structured way of working. The project support provided by aconium GmbH is exemplary: while aconium GmbH takes care of the project management, we can concentrate fully on implementing the measures. The project managers from aconium GmbH are always on hand to advise us.
Together with the overall project management for the implementation of Hütti’s Digital Agenda, Höhn Consulting GmbH from Kronshagen, we are in an excellent position. We have achieved great results and are about to exceed our project goal.
aconium: What initial insights have you already gained from participating in the CORA project?
Betz: The interest in digital services and the need for digital devices is huge in the Hüttener Berge office! We always involve potential users in the decision-making process: The project managers interview administrative staff, school officials and citizens and collect ideas and suggestions in various working groups. We notice that new technologies are very well received.
Another insight: we are on the right track. In discussions with the other European countries involved, we have discovered that they have also developed a digital agenda and are dealing with the same problems as we are. We have exchanged our digital agendas and copied a few helpful aspects. Networking and the exchange of information are very valuable, such as at our last meeting in Norway last May. In November, we will meet again for a personal exchange among the participating partners – this time in Groningen in the Netherlands.
aconium: What tips can you give other municipalities that want to participate in an international project and introduce digital services for their citizens?
Betz: Taking part in an international project is a great opportunity! It is important to network even more intensively. At the moment, every municipality has to reinvent the wheel. We could learn a lot more from each other and adopt processes that work – within Germany, but also within Europe. Then we will all make progress faster. But first, every municipality should develop a digital agenda, identify areas for action and implement the resulting measures over the next five years according to priorities. Digitalization only works as an overall strategy and must be implemented step by step in an ongoing process.
Experience to date has shown that it has been right to declare digitalization a top priority and to always involve citizens (needs-based approach), political bodies and employees.

The CORA project
The European Interreg project CORA promotes digital infrastructures and services in rural areas. CORA supports local authorities in ten pilot regions in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany in identifying common challenges and encourages them to share experiences and develop innovative digital solutions. The CORA partners are also developing a model with a comprehensive guide to digitalization in rural areas. In the CORA project, aconium is project developer, project partner, head of the communication work package and transnational project, communication and financial manager in cooperation with the lead partner Intercommunale Leiedal from Belgium.