© www.interregeurope.eu Screenshot of the Policy Learning Platform.

On behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Regional Development, aconium GmbH has produced a guide that presents the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform. The platform of the European funding program collects and presents the experiences and results of Interreg projects.

The published guide “Benefiting from experiences from all over Europe. The Policy Learning Platform of Interreg Europe” is intended to raise awareness of the platform in Germany and explain its content and functions in a user-friendly way. The Policy Learning Platform – and therefore also the guide – is aimed at districts and municipalities as well as economic development agencies, chambers of crafts and universities – in short: anyone involved in regional policy.

The platform bundles news from the EU as well as events and expert contributions on the four topics of research and innovation, competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, low-carbon economy and environment and sustainability. A unique feature of the Policy Learning Platform is the direct contact with experts who review contributions and answer questions from local authorities in the European regions.

The informative guide is available as a free PDF download on the website of the Hesse State Planning Department: Policy Learning Platform Guide