Education is a key issue in the digital transformation. Today, qualification means integrating the digital into knowledge transfer and taking account of the digital nature of our society. Job profiles that deal with automation, robotics, additive manufacturing or the Internet of Things require the integration of digital skills into the educational canon in order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers. The use of methods such as e-learning or blended learning creates new opportunities and challenges for education and training.

At the same time, digitalisation is transforming people’s lives: Dealing with media, political participation, the use of raw materials and energy, new forms of mobility, understanding legal decisions, participating in the economic cycle – all of these increasingly require digital skills. It is important to learn about the digital world, to constructively address its challenges, opportunities and consequences and to make use of the tools available for school, training, everyday life and work.

The specialist dossier Digital education – forms, content and technical infrastructure for learning in the gigabit society sheds light on the term ‘digital education’. With the help of examples, it explains various forms of learning and uses the design of funding programmes and specific educational projects to show how technology and pedagogy must work together to make digital education successful.

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