Interest in the “Selection procedure and handout” workshop for funding recipients of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure’s (BMVI) federal broadband funding program was already high in the run-up to the event.

On July 9, 2018, twelve grant recipients from the North Rhine-Westphalia region were invited to the Bonn regional office of aconium GmbH, the BMVI’s sovereign project management agency, to attend the event and learn about the selection procedure and handout. First, the legal aspects of the selection procedure were discussed. Beatrice Springborn, expert for law and regulation at aconium GmbH, gave a presentation on this and answered the participants’ questions. In the second part of the workshop, Mathis Entrup from aconium GmbH’s regional office for North Rhine-Westphalia explained the basic procedure for a project change and commented on frequently asked questions during project implementation.

In this context, attention was drawn to the importance of the regional office as a new link between the municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia and the sovereign project sponsor headquartered in Berlin. There was considerable participation in the workshop, which meant that it was possible to quickly move on to an open discussion round. As with the previous events at the regional office of aconium GmbH in Bonn, the feedback from both the participants and the speakers was generally positive.