The towns of Witten, Gevelsberg, Herdecke, Hattingen, Schwelm, Sprockhövel and Wetter have taken an important step on the road to electronic authority files by joining forces to form the “Kompetenzzentrum eBehördenakte EN”. They are now working together to digitise administration throughout the district and replace paper-filled folders with the space-saving e-file “eBehördenakte EN”. District Administrator Olaf Schade described the move in terms of an “EN solidarity pact” and said: “It was clear to us that we would do this together!”
The new contact point is located in Witten, as the Ruhr city has been a nationwide pioneer in working with electronic files for more than ten years. More than 90 percent of workplaces at the two administrative locations already use the e-file. Witten will now support the towns in the Ennepe-Ruhr district with the introduction of electronic files and the town’s IT department will take over the support of the software on the servers. A service hotline and a training programme will help employees to implement the project.
Not only the participating cities, but also the district administration can benefit from the electronic files by being able to access all available information on a case more quickly. E-mails can be attached and several employees can deal with the matter promptly without having to pass on files in physical form. Information for citizens’ inquiries can also be provided more quickly. At the same time, sustainable data protection is ensured by clearly regulating read and write access and seamlessly documenting changes. The standardisation and simplification of public authority work makes it easier for everyone involved to work together and opens up new opportunities in the long term.
With the expansion of the broadband network, the Ennepe-Ruhr district is creating the necessary technical conditions for the digitalisation of administrative work. As part of the federal broadband funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), the district is receiving federal funding of 8.95 million euros. This is supplemented by 8.78 million euros in state funding. The municipalities and the district are contributing a further 177,039 euros. 4,265 households, nine companies and one school are to benefit from bandwidths of at least 50 Mbit/s. A further six companies are to receive a gigabit-capable connection. The infrastructure project will see 150 kilometers of empty conduits laid and 133 kilometers of civil engineering work carried out.
Photo: The city leaders and the district administrator of the EN district are pleased about the successful cooperation in the area of e-authority files.
Photo credit: City of Witten, Jörg Fruck