This week, aconium GmbH kicked off the new year with another workshop for grant recipients at the North site. Eleven applicants took up the offer on January 16 and came to Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Experts from aconium GmbH, the project management agency of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure for the federal broadband funding program, provided information on the first steps that need to be taken after the provisional funding decision through to the request for funds and payment.
Branch manager Stefan Molkentin welcomed the workshop participants. Matthias Schulze-Mantei then led through the day as a representative of the project sponsor. The workshop focused on the selection process and the corresponding guidelines. As the funding recipients present were at different stages of the funding process, there was a stimulating and informative exchange of experiences.
For example, many detailed questions relating to the interaction of funding were clarified. The information on the required information and communication measures was also very well received and provided clarity, for example on the question of correct signage for cable junctions and buildings. Due to the high demand for this workshop, another event will be held at the North location on February 20, 2018.
Photo: Stefan Molkentin (Branch Manager North, aconium GmbH, standing) at the workshop with the grant recipients. Osterholz-Scharmbeck, 16.01.2018.
Photo credit: aconium GmbH.