On 18.01.2018, the first symbolic ground-breaking ceremony for the broadband expansion took place in the Düngstruper Straße Nord and Süd industrial estates in the town of Wildeshausen in the district of Oldenburg.

District Administrator Carsten Harings (Oldenburg district), Dr. Christian Pundt (Mayor of the municipality of Hatten), Jens Kuraschinski (Mayor of the town of Wildeshausen), Herwig Wöbse (Mayor of the joint municipality of Harpstedt), Claus Marx (Economic Development Manager of the town of Wildeshausen), Uwe Kläner (Head of the Building Authority of the municipality of Dötlingen), project coordinators from the district of Oldenburg and representatives of the company carrying out the work attended the event and can now look positively to the digital future together with the citizens.

District Administrator Harings explained that with the two successful funding applications to the federal and state governments and in close cooperation with the individual municipalities, rural commercial areas can now increasingly be equipped with fast Internet connections. These are now optimally connected on all routes – both on the road and on the data highway. Fast Internet connections are in high demand among companies in the region and are an important location factor, especially in rural areas. Stefan Molkentin (Branch Manager of aconium GmbH, Project Management Agency for the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) emphasized the importance of the ground-breaking ceremony and the subsequent expansion measures. As a result, households in the district that have not yet been covered will be connected to broadband services in the future.

The federal government is subsidizing the infrastructure expansion project with 1.9 million euros for this first successful funding application alone. The district and local authorities are contributing to the necessary co-financing. By the time the project is completed, over 149 kilometers of new lines will have been laid and 52 new cable distributors will have been installed. Upon completion, over 3,000 households and companies will be able to benefit from Internet access with speeds of at least 50 Mbit/s.

Photo: Stefan Molkentin (Branch Manager North, aconium GmbH, left) and other participants at the ground-breaking ceremony on 18.01.2018 in the “Düngstruper Straße Nord und Süd” industrial estate in Wildeshausen.
Photo credit: aconium GmbH/Jens Gowasch.