Around 1,000 participants from all over Germany took part in the 11th Future Forum for Rural Development, which was held as part of the International Green Week in Berlin on January 24 and 25, 2018. In addition to employees of aconium GmbH, they included representatives from municipalities, districts, federal states and the federal government, numerous regional management and action groups from the German LEADER regions, a large number of associations and organizations involved in rural areas, as well as companies and many other stakeholders who are actively shaping rural areas.
The motto of this year’s event was “Dynamism and diversity – using the potential of rural areas“. Lectures, workshops and discussion rounds on current regional development topics took place in a total of 24 themed accompanying events. Opportunities and challenges for rural areas were highlighted and innovative strategies, ideas and pilot projects were presented.
Digitalization is also the key issue for rural areas
The development of broadband infrastructure was a central theme throughout the event. The needs of rural areas are as diverse as their stakeholders. Residents, farmers, businesses and holidaymakers all have different requirements and wishes. Tailor-made, modular and networked applications and facilities for the various regions and user groups have great potential here. The advancing digitalization offers solutions – especially in view of demographic change. It can help to maintain or even increase the attractiveness of a location. The expansion of digital infrastructure is the basic prerequisite for this.
In this context, insights into a large number of pilot projects such as the “Digital Villages”, in which the entire communication of municipalities is being digitized step by step, modern co-working spaces that offer self-employed people, freelancers and creative professionals an attractive working environment even in rural areas, or the so-called “OTELOS” (Open Technology Labs), which now offer open spaces for all kinds of activities and exchange at various locations in Austria and Germany, were particularly exciting. But small individual projects, such as a “hackathon” in the middle of the Bavarian forest or the modernization of a traditional carpentry business with the help of a 3D configurator, were also presented.
Focus on regional foods and their marketing
In addition to digitalization, traditional aspects of regional development such as agriculture and biodiversity, the importance of volunteering, suitable funding instruments and regional marketing were also discussed at the event. Among other things, a current study was presented that uses a Germany-wide survey to identify optimization potential for concepts and activities for marketing regional foods. Its results coincided in many respects with the recently completed study by aconium GmbH.
Ideas need support
The Future Forum made it clear once again that in many rural regions, there are committed players who are taking the initiative to make their living space more attractive for residents and future employers and employees and to make it fit for the future. Mobility services and e-services are just as much on the agenda as social support and the expansion of cultural offerings.
As the contributions showed, there is no shortage of innovative ideas. However, in many places, support is needed in involving relevant stakeholders and funding and communication opportunities for the sustainable implementation of these ideas. aconium GmbH is available as a competent partner for this. Thanks to the expertise it has acquired over many years in the field of regional development, it makes a valuable contribution to shaping rural areas.
Photo: Kai Westermann (Project Manager Regional Development and Promotion, aconium GmbH, center) and Anne Reichenbach (Project Manager Regional Development and Promotion, aconium GmbH, right) gather information following the 11th Future Forum for Rural Development at the International Green Week in Berlin. 25.01.2018.
Photo credit: aconium GmbH