The start of broadband expansion in the district of Wesermarsch was celebrated with a symbolic ground-breaking ceremony on December 21. The excavators are now rolling in the first project area, the Jade industrial estate. Stefan Molkentin (Branch Manager of aconium GmbH, project sponsor for the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) took part in the event together with District Administrator Thomas Brückmann, Member of Parliament Susanne Mittag, Henning Kaars (Mayor of Jade), the district’s project coordinators Matthias Sturm and Ingrid Miodek as well as employees of EWE Tel.

District Administrator Thomas Brückmann explained that with the successful applications for funding from the state and federal government, the district will create a broadband infrastructure for as many households and businesses as possible in close cooperation with all nine municipalities in the Wesermarsch. “Further construction measures will follow in the near future to ensure almost nationwide coverage with fast Internet for our Wesermarsch residents,” said the district administrator.

With a total investment of over five million euros, the federal government is subsidizing the infrastructure expansion project with around 2.5 million euros. The state of Lower Saxony is providing a further two million euros. The district and the municipalities involved are sharing the necessary co-financing. By the time the project is completed in 2019, over 100 kilometers of new lines will have been laid, creating around 234 additional direct fiber optic connections and 1,656 additional VDSL connections. More than 1,330 households and companies will then be able to benefit from bandwidths of at least 50 Mbit/s.

Photo: Ground-breaking ceremony in the district of Wesermarsch on 21.12.2017 with Stefan Molkentin (left, Branch Manager of aconium GmbH), Member of Parliament Susanne Mittag (3rd from left), Marc Eden (4th from left, Planning Broadband Management EWE Tel GmbH), Project Coordinator Ingrid Miodek next to District Administrator Thomas Brückmann (center) and Henning Kaars (Mayor of the municipality of Jade).
Photo credit: Wolfgang Böning.