In addition to Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, Labour Minister Andrea Nahles, Research Minister Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Interior Minister Dr. Thomas de Maizière, Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt and Minister of State for Culture and Media Prof. Monika Grütters as well as Saarland Minister President Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will also be attending this year’s top-level meeting. Sundar Pichai (CEO, Google), one of the leading international IT managers from Silicon Valley, will also speak about the opportunities of digitalization.
For two days, high-ranking members of the extensive summit network will discuss key challenges of digitalization for the economy and employment, the latest developments in digital networks, mobility, the digital state and IT security based on the results of the summit platforms and forums. This year’s focus will be on digital education.
Federal Minister Gabriel: “In the rapid digital transformation, education is becoming a prerequisite for the success of individuals on the labor market, for the competitiveness of our companies, but also for successful coexistence. Education is the key to participating in a digital world: at work, as a consumer, as a citizen. It is not enough to simply discuss smart concepts. We need to act now to advance digital education in Germany. “
aconium GmbH has also been active at the interface between education and digitalization for years. In the Erasmus+ project COLIBRI , aconium GmbH is working with an international consortium of universities and industry to offer a blended learning course on the topic of “Future Internet Opportunities”. The tasks include quality management and technical consulting in the field of broadband technologies and networks. The topic of “Learning in the digital world” is also becoming increasingly important. We report regularly in this area – for example on the digital education pact.