The guideline “Funding to support broadband expansion in the Federal Republic of Germany” dated October 22, 2015 has been amended and is now available for download in the first revised version dated June 20, 2016.

The changes include a. the following points:

  • The options for funding consultancy services have been expanded. Districts can now also receive funding for projects that overlap with municipal projects if their contribution brings significant added value to the expansion projects of the district’s own municipalities.
  • The framework conditions for increasing the subsidy rates for financially weak municipalities were adjusted to the latest available data. The reference period was set at the last five years in each case.
  • A provision has been included that regulates the early start of measures in the event that the municipality carries out the construction work itself through the building yard (own performance). In this case, the start of construction is deemed to be the start of the measure. Otherwise, these are editorial clarifications.
  • The same modalities now apply to the recovery mechanism for the operator model as for the

The updated ancillary provisions that are binding for the new call, the updated material concept and the specifications for dimensioning passive infrastructure are also available at The documents are available both individually and as a complete document.