Groundbreaking ceremony in the district of Wesermarsch

Groundbreaking ceremony in the district of Wesermarsch

The start of broadband expansion in the district of Wesermarsch was celebrated with a symbolic ground-breaking ceremony on December 21. The excavators are now rolling in the first project area, the Jade industrial estate. Stefan Molkentin (Branch Manager of aconium...
Workshops for grant recipients in Duisburg and Osterholz-Scharmbeck

Workshops for grant recipients in Duisburg and Osterholz-Scharmbeck

As an entrusted project management agency for the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, aconium GmbH regularly organizes and supports workshops for recipients of the federal broadband funding programme. On December 7, the Broadband Competence...
First steps after the decision: Workshop at the North site

First steps after the decision: Workshop at the North site

This week, aconium GmbH kicked off the new year with another workshop for grant recipients at the North site. Eleven applicants took up the offer on January 16 and came to Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Experts from aconium GmbH, the project management agency of the Federal...