Digital Transformation and OZG

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Digital transformation describes the holistic adaptation process of an organization through the integration of modern technologies. The switch from analog working methods to digital formats and electronic data transfer requires a rethink in almost all areas.

The sensible adaptation of business processes often also has an impact on the existing business model. The key to the success of such a transformation is the conscious design of the cultural change and the associated change management for employees and stakeholders.

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Core Competencies

Shaping our digital future requires a fundamental rethink in terms of technology and culture. aconium GmbH supports various players in the public sector in their individual transformation. Our activities contribute to the four core areas of the EU Commission’s Digital Compass:

Digital skills are the basic prerequisite for personal participation in digitalization and thus in our society. The EU Commission has set itself the goal of significantly increasing the proportion of the European population with basic digital skills.

We accompany the digital transformation in municipalities and organizations. We advise our clients individually on options for integrating modern technologies such as moving to the cloud, deployment scenarios for artificial intelligence and the associated cultural change. Building a basic understanding among employees and developing basic skills are fundamental to the success of the transformation. For a comprehensive approach, we offer e-learning courses that are independent of time and place and that make you Fit for the digital world of work for the digital world of work.

Whether digital administrative services, your own patient file in electronic form or the establishment of digital identities – the digitalization of public services the digitalization of public services outlines the framework of a sustainable digital society. It also offers us opportunities to tackle challenges such as demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers. The Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG) obliges the federal and state governments to implement the digitalization of their services.

Partner of the Digital Index of Initiative D21

For many years, aconium GmbH has been a premium partner in the creation of an annual report on the digital society in Germany.

The level of digitalization in Germany is increasing and at the same time there is still room for improvement in the development of digital skills. The main areas of study in 2022/2023 are resilience in digital change, digital value creation, cohesion and democracy and twin transformation.

Our Way of Working

aconium GmbH specializes in project work. In order to be able to react quickly and individually to the requirements of individual projects and customers, aconium has developed methods that enable efficient work and quickly lead to results.

Our individual consulting approach puts you, the customer, and your needs first. Our wide-ranging portfolio includes project management, development, implementation and evaluation of your project ideas, relevant training courses and various event formats. The accessibility and dissemination of basic digital skills is particularly important to us, as we are convinced that they are the key to an inclusive, modern society. Our support for local authorities is based on our knowledge of the framework conditions and challenges. Pilot projects and inter-municipal exchange can be used to derive recommendations for action for rethinking, fundamentally adapting processes and implementing suitable digital solutions.

  • Development of a target image of the digital future
  • Strategic digitalization planning and implementation
  • Early recognition of digital trends and risks
  • Balance between participation and leadership (empowerment & digital leadership)
  • Identification of the relevant steps for your individual digitalization journey
  • Best practices, showcases and lessons learned

Experience, Efficiency, Expertise –
aconium GmbH Project Management

aconium GmbH has many years of experience in project management. Our services include the creation and maintenance of time, task and work plans, the continuous monitoring of project progress, communication with the client and other stakeholders involved in the project, the organization of project meetings such as regular jour fixes and working group meetings and their documentation as well as the moderation between different stakeholders and, if necessary, conflict management.

Our Network

In order to always have the best solution ready for our customers, we maintain a lively exchange with politicians, associations and industry players. Through our active membership of institutions such as the Initiative D21 or the Bitkom we discuss topics such as digital education, ethics, digital transformation and administrative digitalization in various committees.


Premium partner of the
eGovernment MONITOR of the D21 initiative

We have been involved for many years as a premium partner in the study on the acceptance and use of digital administrative services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. By collecting data and publishing information on this topic, we hope to see a significant increase in the awareness and use of online services in the coming years. The study is being conducted under the auspices of D21, the Technical University of Munich and the consultancy firm Kantar, with the Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, Nancy Faser, as patron. The results of the eGovernance MONITOR 2023 were published in October 2023.

The numerous opportunities offered by an increasingly digital society also increase the pressure and will to shape regulation. One major opportunity lies in increased inclusion thanks to digital participation through the increasing availability of information and communication technologies. The smartphone usually offers low-threshold access here. The proportion of the German population between the ages of 14 and 59 with a smartphone is between 93 and 96%, decreasing slightly to just over 68% among the over 70s. People who use their smartphones or laptops to order groceries, book vacations and make bank transfers expect similar convenience when dealing with the authorities – citizens are increasingly demanding digital administrative services. With “electronic governance”, or eGovernance for short, the German government wants to bring the administration into line with the free economy. By using modern technologies, there is also a great opportunity to enable citizens to participate more in politics and at the same time obtain a picture of public opinion.

“People expect the state to provide easy-to-use and modern digital services that are user-oriented, seamless and comprehensive.”

This sentence from the 2021 coalition agreement shows Politicians see the potential of digital administration for citizens and are committed to exploiting it. This voluntary commitment is part of a list of plans and measures by German governments to drive forward the digitalization of Germany. In 2014, for example, the E-Government Act was passed, which enables the federal, state and local governments to offer user-friendly and electronic administrative services. This was followed in 2017 by the Online Access Act (OZG), which obliges all administrative services to be made available electronically on online portals. Both laws form the cornerstones of the digitalization of the German administration.

In addition to their core content, these two laws result in further obligations that are unknown to many responsible persons in the administration. Without the relevant knowledge, however, those responsible cannot fully comply with all regulations. The result: Germany’s digitalization is lagging behind its potential. This also becomes clear when you look at the OZG dashboard on the current status of the implementation of digital services. This is why aconium GmbH is committed to providing targeted and comprehensive support to the public sector.

Our Course Recommendation for you:
“Giving Digitalization a Direction: with OZG and EGovG”.

The course provides information on the measures taken by the Federal Government to bring the administration in Germany into the digital age. Participants learn about the guidelines from the E-Government Act and the Online Access Act. The course explains the terminology, concepts and responsibilities necessary for administrative staff as well as the interaction between the federal, state and local authorities. Participants will also learn about the EfA principle and its role in the implementation of laws by the federal, state and local authorities. In addition, the course covers everything important about electronic proof of identity and the federal user account. The content is rounded off with the advantages for citizens resulting from the laws, for example enormous time savings when dealing with authorities by eliminating travel and waiting times. Citizens can also get an overview of all the necessary documents online and don’t have to wait until they get there to see if something is missing. In its entirety, the course brings participants fully up to date with the latest information on the topic of administrative digitization.

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Your Contact Person for “Digital Transformation”

Patricia Kretschmer

Team Leader Digital Transformation of the Public Sector

Phone +49 (0)30 22183-1150