Data for All




Data for All. Data-driven Public Service Delivery in the North Sea Region

The Project

Data for All brings together 19 partners from different areas and sectors in the North Sea Region (NSR) in order to share knowledge and experience in dealing with municipal and regional data, as well as to drive forward innovative solutions for its utilisation. A total of seven pilots will be realised, located in Smarte KielRegion (DE), Brest Metropole (FR), Intercommunale Leiedal (BE), Province Drenthe (NL), Vejle Kommun (DK), Kungsbacka Kommun (SE) and Eigersund Kommune (NO).

The organisational and technical solutions developed in the frame of Data for All are based on common European standards and are transferable to other municipalities in the NSR and in Europe. Transnational cooperation is the key to all activities in Data for All, realised through a regular information exchange in the partner regions, organised through various channels. Particularly noteworthy are the tandem partnerships, whereby two pilot projects each cooperate intensively with regard to a relevant topic.

The pilot partners explore sustainable and innovative approaches in three basic project dimensions: A) Technology, B) Organisation and C) Regulation / Ethics. The objective is to create a common understanding that will inspire and enable the pilots to develop strategies and test concrete use cases in their regions.

The pilot projects are implemented in the broad spectrum of municipal data utilisation, for example in the areas of mobility, climate neutrality or economic development.


The overall aim is to create a digital exchange and training platform. This so-called “Data for All roadmap” is an innovative tool for digital knowledge transfer that provides cities, municipalities and regional authorities with an intuitive, step-by-step guide for initiating, planning, implementing and monitoring data-driven regional development and public service delivery.

aconium responsibilities

aconium GmbH designed the project together with its long-standing partner institution Intercommunale Leiedal. It is responsible for project, financial and communication management, while also playing a central role in coordinating the content and conceptualisation of the project activities.


Interreg North Sea Region

Lead Partner:

Intercommunale Leiedal

aconium responsibilities:

Project management, financial management, communication and public relations, contribution regarding content and concept to all work packages


20.09.2022 – 31.12.2025

aconium contact persons

Darijus Valiucko

Darijus Valiucko

project manager

phone: +49 341 962103 19

Martin Guth

Martin Guth

project manager
phone: +49 30 22183-3118