On Monday, January 25, Federal Minister Alexander Dobrindt handed over the funding commitments to the municipal representatives in Berlin. In a first step, underserved areas will be supported with the money in the planning and preparation of application documents for project funding from the federal government. In a second step, municipalities and districts can apply for funding of up to 15 million euros to implement expansion projects. The federal funding program for broadband expansion, with a total budget of 2.7 billion euros, aims to cover all the blank spots on Germany’s map. The funding rate is 50 to 70 percent of the eligible costs. A combination with other funding programs, e.g. from the federal states, is possible. This can result in a further 40 percent in funding. The local authority’s own contribution is 10 percent. Applications can be submitted at www.breitbandausschreibungen.de. Further information can be found here.