Since February 8, 2019, a new version of the guideline “Funding to support broadband expansion in the Federal Republic of Germany” has been in force.
The new version of the guidelines decouples the funding of consultancy services from the minimum requirements, provided that the work is of a purely project-related nature. Funding recipients can now commission legal advice directly, for example.
As a rule, a data supply rate of 30 Mbit/s per school class should be assumed as a reference value for the funding of schools with regard to reaching the take-up threshold. Alternatively, the take-up threshold for large classes can be based on 30 Mbit/s per 23 pupils.
The new version of the guidelines also contains an interpretation aid for hospitals: all university hospitals, planned hospitals and hospitals that have concluded a supply contract with the state associations of health insurance funds and the associations of substitute health insurance funds are eligible for funding. Military hospitals, purely private clinics (§ 30 GewO) and rehabilitation clinics are also eligible. In the case of different clinic locations that are not in close proximity to each other, one connection per location is eligible for funding.