On August 23, the ground-breaking ceremony for the subsidized broadband expansion took place in the district of Trier-Saarburg (Rhineland-Palatinate). Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection Katarina Barley, District Administrator Günther Schartz (Trier-Saarburg district), State Secretary Randolf Stich (Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of the Interior and Sport), Andreas Steier (Member of the Bundestag) and representatives of the municipalities, the expanding companies and the project sponsor aconium met in the municipality of Vierherrenborn near the border with Luxembourg.
Around 5.7 million euros are being invested in the project from the Federal Broadband Funding Program of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). Upon completion, more than 12,500 households are to be supplied with bandwidths of at least 50 Mbit/s. More than 500 companies will be able to access data transfer rates of 1 Gbit/s and higher. Public institutions, including 69 schools, will also benefit from access to high-speed Internet.
Photo l-r: Jürgen Dixius (Mayor of the municipality of Saarburg), Randolf Stich (State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior and Sport Rhineland-Palatinate), Dr. Katarina Barley (Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection), Pietro Pitruzzella (aconium), Günther Schartz (District Administrator of the district of Trier-Saarburg), Andreas Steier (Member of the Bundestag) at the ground-breaking ceremony for the broadband expansion in Vierherrenborn in the district of Trier-Saarburg (Rhineland-Palatinate). Photo credit: aconium GmbH