The broadband expansion project in the district of Mansfeld-Südharz was launched on June 7, 2018. District Administrator Dr Angelika Klein, Mayor Jutta Fischer (Lutherstadt Eisleben), Sandra Beichert from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt, Daniel Knohr from aconium, the sovereign project management agency of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), and representatives of the expanding company met in Lutherstadt Eisleben for the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony.
With the support of the federal broadband funding program, more than 25,000 private households, over 2,000 companies, 46 schools and other educational institutions as well as a hospital will receive network connections with data transmission speeds of at least 50 Mbit/s in the rural district in south-western Saxony-Anhalt once the project is completed. The broadband expansion represents an important step into the future for the region bordering Thuringia. It will make the district more attractive for residents and businesses. Daniel Knohr thanked the state government for the good cooperation and wished the district of Mansfeld-Südharz every success for the tasks ahead. The BMVI is funding the expansion with more than 1.5 million euros, while the state is contributing over 2 million euros.
Photo: District Administrator Dr. Angelika Klein (3rd from left), Mayor Jutta Fischer (Lutherstadt Eisleben, 4th from left), Sandra Beichert (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digitalization, right), Daniel Knohr (Regional Manager aconium, 2nd from left) with representatives of the telecommunications company at the ground-breaking ceremony in Lutherstadt Eisleben on 7 June 2018.
Photo credit: aconium GmbH/ Eileen Gaßmann