On May 23, Lord Mayor Klaus Mohrs (City of Wolfsburg), local mayor Hans-Ulrich Achilles (Almke-Neindorf), Stefan Gottesleben (aconium, sovereign project sponsor of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, BMVI) as well as representatives of the local council, the Broadband Competence Center of Lower Saxony and the commissioned telecommunications company came together in the Wolfsburg district of Almke to celebrate the start of construction of the subsidized broadband expansion for the Lower Saxony town.
“The people of Almke have been waiting a long time for a modern broadband connection,” said Mayor Mohrs. “Now they will be the fastest village in Wolfsburg!” Mohrs also highlighted the cooperation with the two other expansion areas of Neindorf and Ilkerbruch and emphasized that such future-oriented projects need the support of the population above all. “With the broadband expansion in its rural peripheral areas, the city of Wolfsburg is showing that it is promoting the future for all parts of the city and thus making the smaller communities just as attractive in terms of digital infrastructure as the inner city area,” emphasized Stefan Gottesleben at the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony.
Together with the districts of Neindorf and Ilkerbruch, Almke will soon be connected to high-speed Internet thanks to the subsidized expansion project. The city of Wolfsburg is receiving funding of around 1.43 million euros for the infrastructure project from the BMVI’s federal broadband funding program. The project is also being financed with EUR 728,982 of the city’s own funds and EUR 705,470 from the state funding program. The network to be built will later remain the property of the city of Wolfsburg. 1,060 households, 78 companies and 10 institutional users, including a school, are to benefit from a fast Internet connection. To this end, 44 kilometers of civil engineering work will be carried out. In addition to the expansion areas in Almke, Neindorf and Ilkerbruch, the city of Wolfsburg is also very active in its own expansion and is investing a total of 88 million euros in a fully comprehensive fiber optic network. The aim is to complete the expansion by 2022.
Photo l-r: Dr. Hans Peter Schoene (Director BIB Tech GmbH) Falko Lausch (Broadband Competence Center Lower Saxony), Mayor Hans-Ulrich Achilles (Almke-Neindorf), Mayor Klaus Mohrs (City of Wolfsburg), Dr. Frank Kästner (Managing Director WOBCOM GmbH), Stefan Gottesleben (aconium), Hetharini Kirishnarajah (Almke-Neindorf local council) and Joachim Sievers (Almke-Neindorf local council). Frank Kästner (Managing Director of WOBCOM GmbH), Stefan Gottesleben (aconium), Hetharini Kirishnarajah (Almke-Neindorf local council) and Joachim Sievers (Almke-Neindorf local council) at the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony on 23.05.2018 in Almke, Wolfsburg.
Photo credit: Breitband Kompetenz Zentrum Niedersachsen