The symbolic ground-breaking ceremony for the broadband expansion in the unified municipalities of Genthin, Jerichow and Möser in Jerichower Land (Saxony-Anhalt) took place against the backdrop of Jerichow Monastery on 11.04.2018. State Secretary Thomas Wünsch (Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitization of Saxony-Anhalt), District Administrator Dr. Steffen Burchhardt (Jerichower Land district), Daniel Knohr, Regional Manager of the aconium, the project sponsor of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), the mayors of the municipalities and a representative of the telecommunications company commissioned with the project took part.

The expansion projects in Möckern, Gommern, Elbe-Parey and Biederitz in the district of Jerichower Land started back in March. “We will devote all our energy to implementing the broadband expansion in Jerichower Land in a timely manner. A fast and stable Internet connection is fundamental in many areas, from education to business, and the comprehensive expansion is the basic prerequisite for future-oriented location promotion in the district,” explained District Administrator Dr. Burchhardt. With the support of federal broadband funding, around 13,000 private households, 1,600 companies and 40 schools in the district will be provided with network access that enables transmission rates of at least 50 Mbit/s.

Funding is being provided for nationwide broadband expansion using the economic viability gap model. A total of around 3.8 million euros from the BMVI’s federal broadband funding will be invested in the construction of a fiber optic network for this project. A further 6.2 million euros will be co-financed by the state funding.

Photo above: District Administrator Dr. Steffen Burchhardt (Jerichower Land district, center), Daniel Knohr (Regional Manager, aconium, 4th from right) and State Secretary Thomas Wünsch (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt, 3rd from right) with other participants at the ground-breaking ceremony in Jerichower Land on 11 April 2018. Photo credit: aconium GmbH Photo below: Jerichow Monastery with monastery garden Photo credit: CC BY-SA 3.0/Doris Antony