Since Monday, February 5, 2018, the anticipation of super-fast Internet has also been growing in the district of Stade. The project was officially launched with the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony in Ahlerstedt. Now 6,000 more households are to be connected to the data highway by the end of this year. A good 1,000 companies will also be able to use the Internet at a minimum speed of 50 Mbit/s after the expansion, the majority even at a minimum of 1 Gbit/s. This will require 215 kilometers of civil engineering work to install 200 kilometers of fiber optics and 349 kilometers of empty conduits.
The expansion of the broadband infrastructure will significantly improve the quality of life for the population and the quality of the location for companies. District Administrator Michael Roesberg emphasized that this is an important first step – however, the district’s goal must be to lay fibre optic cable to all households and enable high-speed communication with the help of the federal government.
The project area defined in cooperation between the district of Stade and municipalities, joint municipalities and Hanseatic cities comprises a total of 67 sub-areas – previously “white spots” on the Internet coverage map – spread from the municipality of Balje in the north-west to the municipality of Ahlerstedt in the south of the district of Stade. A total of around ten million euros will be invested. The federal government is supporting this project with just under 2.4 million euros.
Photo (l-r): District Administrator Michael Roesberg, Member of Parliament Oliver Grundmann and Rudolf Markschläger from the telecommunications company carrying out the work at the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony for the laying of fiber optic cable in Ahlerstedt-Ottendorf.
Photo credit: Landkreis Stade/Christian Schmidt.