Flyers and brochures

We bring municipalities, districts and companies together and jointly develop strategies for the future. Strengthening rural areas is the focus of our work. You can find out more about our focus areas and expertise in our information sheets for download. Our publications under aconium research give you an insight into specific topics.

aconium product flyer

Promoting innovation, shaping the future.

We have been supporting the public sector in project development in the areas of digitalization, energy, mobility and education for over fifteen years.

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Mobile phone consulting

Mobile networks are not only used for communication and entertainment, but are also a location factor in the competition to attract companies, make a major contribution to the success of tourism in a region and help to drive digital change in cities and regions. In addition, employees expect to be able to work anywhere and at any time – including on transport and rail routes. aconium GmbH and its experts support and advise the public sector in the expansion of nationwide, high-performance mobile networks.

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Preview product sheet Smart Region Team

Smart regions

Multidisciplinary consulting for sustainable development

Together with you, we shape the transformation process to become a digital municipality. Whether developing strategies, designing participation processes or implementing specific digital projects: With our multidisciplinary consulting approach, we accompany you on your journey.

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Preview product sheet Regional development promotion

Regional development and promotion

Development of strong, modern and sustainable regions

aconium initiates, develops and implements projects with a focus on digitalization, energy transition, mobility and education. We support regions, municipalities, ministries, public institutions and companies at national, European and international level in developing and implementing future-oriented measures.

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Thumbnail Product sheet Participation methods

Shaping regional development in a participatory way

Organization and moderation of participation processes

Involving and informing relevant stakeholders are important building blocks in the development of sustainable regions. aconium organizes and moderates participation processes, develops suitable online and offline participation formats for municipalities and supports them in their implementation.

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Preview image product sheet creative event formats

Creative solutions through creative processes

Conception, organization and moderation of contemporary event formats

Involving actors and stakeholders, jointly developing ideas for transformation processes, presenting results and strategies – creative event formats help to present ideas and projects to the public, enable participation and initiate targeted innovation processes. As an organizer, initiator and moderator, aconium GmbH provides professional support to a wide range of stakeholders in the implementation of suitable formats.

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Preview product sheet Digital hubs as drivers for smart regions

Digital hubs as a driving force for smart regions

Networking. Cooperation. Knowledge transfer.

Smart innovations of the future can emerge in a targeted organizational framework and a fertile environment. Digital hubs offer such an environment. As a place for exchange and further development, they accelerate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary cooperation and pave the way for innovative ideas to enter the market by networking with investors. aconium supports you in all phases of conceptualizing and setting up a digital hub – as a reliable partner on the way to an innovative future of smart regions.

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Preview image Product sheet Digitizing municipalities holistically

Digitizing municipalities holistically

Strategy consulting and strategy development

Municipal digital strategies offer the opportunity to create a common understanding in a participatory process and to initiate a resilient, multidisciplinary network for the digital transformation. They are an orientation framework for the sustainable digital development of a region or municipality. aconium supports municipalities on this path – from taking stock, to defining a municipal mission statement for digitalization, to creating an implementation concept and evaluating it.

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Production of interactive learning content

Your path to the digital future – e-learning content for the public sector

Welcome to the aconium Academy! Administrations and educational institutions are facing the challenge of digital transformation – we are your partner.

We offer tailor-made training concepts that make your organization fit for the future. Our specially developed learning media offer a dynamic learning experience that is tailored to your requirements.

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E-learning courses & classroom training

Fit for digital administration – training for the public sector

We support you in your digital transformation with practical e-learning courses and classroom training courses that are specially tailored to the needs of local authorities and administrations.

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Conference location Stellwerk Berlin Nordbahnhof

The ideal location for your event – conference rooms for your guests.

Make your event a success. We focus on your individual wishes! Discover our conference rooms for collaborative working, learning and networking. Let’s work together to create events that achieve your goals and inspire your guests.

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