The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated digitalisation in many areas of life. Working from home, video conferencing and live streaming have become the norm for many people. But what opportunities do the new forms of work and participation offer for rural areas in particular? The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will be discussing this question with rural development stakeholders at the “Future Forum for Rural Development” on January 20 and 21, 2021 – digitally.
Federal Minister Julia Klöckner will open the “14th Future Forum for Rural Development” on January 20 at 11 am. Afterwards, partners from all over Germany and the partner country, the Netherlands, will offer 32 specialist forums for discussion and networking. The topics range from the promotion of voluntary work to health participation and better quality of work in rural areas.
We are also taking part and offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with our specialist forum “Successfully shaping digital participation in rural areas”. The expert forum is dedicated to the question of how municipalities can use the potential of digitalisation for greater social participation. In dialog with municipal pioneers and experts, we will ask about the most important prerequisites and share successful practical examples. The aim is to sustainably involve local stakeholders in the digital transformation of municipalities and to find out which digital tools and methods are promising for this. After all, digitalisation can only offer added value for everyone if it is designed and used jointly, with commitment and across sectors.
Register now free of charge at Zukunftsforum Ländliche Entwicklung and discuss the topic of “Successfully shaping digital participation in rural areas” with us.